Construyendo una Vida + Verde | Arquitectura Sostenible 馃挌鈾伙笍 ESP | ENG

Hola Hive Lovers esta es mi primera publicaci贸n en #Humanitas, encontr茅 a la comunidad gracias a mi hermana @actioncats y realmente estoy encantada de publicar de poder compartir con ustedes mi vivencias construyendo una Vida + Verde.

Actualmente estoy construyendo mi casa en un contenedor maritimos junto a @arrozymangophoto un Hogar Verde, esta ha sido una gran aventura.

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Desde el 2020 al iniciar el camino en Hive, hable de mi pasi贸n por la naturaleza y preocupaci贸n por el medio ambiente, donde tenia la visi贸n poder construir mi casa de una manera mas sostenible y amigable con el medio ambiente.

All铆 todo eran sue帽os, mucha motivaci贸n con maravillosas ideas, gracias a la pandemia pude adentrarme aun mas en estos temas que involucra hacer los espacio habitables sostenibles y asi nacio mi HOGAR VERDE.

HOGAR VERDE Una Casa Ecologica 鈾伙笍 e Inteligente 馃

Un hogar ecol贸gico y su que cuente mcon la facilidad y comodidad que la domot铆ca nos da.

Nuestro Hogar Verde tendr谩 lo mejor de ambos mundo, para mi es la dupla perfecta, la tecnolog铆a es esencial, pero aun es mas importante vivir de una manera mas acorde con lo que tenemos y aportando a la regeneraci贸n de ambiente con cada acci贸n.


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Una aventura realmente 茅pica

Nuestra Casa Container la estamos construyendo nosotros mismos, en medio de un hermoso bosque nublado a las afueras de la cuidad de Caracas , en una zona rural, donde ya estamos habitando desde hace un poco mas de 1 a帽o, esto a sido toda un curva de aprendizaje, donde la fortaleza y claridad a la meta nos a dado mucha firmeza.

Nuestro Hogar Verde va a un 50 % de la primer planta. Ya estamos avanzando en la construcci贸n de aperturas e instalaci贸n, extensiones para el ba帽o interno que contara con recolecci贸n de agua de lluvias, biofiltros para reutilizar las aguas grises en jardines y cultivos de arboles frutales de nuestro agro bosque.

Estamos tambien estudiando la posibilidad de generar Bio Gas con nuestros desechos solidos pero esto aun esta en proceso, yo estoy super ilusionada con esto,pero tambien lo estaba con el uso de paneles solares y los costos fueron inalcanzables para nosotros, salia mas economico la instalaci贸n de servicios nacional de energ铆a hidroel茅ctrica.

Reciclar, reutilizar y pensar en sistemas constructor menos devastadores para el ambiente, es muy importante, asi como el dise帽o indicado para las corrientes de aire,la iluminaci贸n natural, el uso de cda recurso natural es importante.

Asi vamos avanzando hacia la construcci贸n de una Vida + Verde con la arquitectura sostenible espero que les gustara leer este post.

Aqu铆 les comparto tambi茅n un v铆deo para que puedan disfrutar m谩s de nuestras historias.

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Hasta luego Hive Lovers 馃挏

ENG version (click here)

Building a Life + Green | Sustainable Architect 馃挌鈾伙笍

Hi Hive Lovers this is my first post on #Humanitas, I found the community thanks to my sister @actioncats and I am really happy to be able to share with you my experiences building a + Green Life.

I'm currently building my house in a shipping container with @arrozymangophoto a Green Home, this has been a great adventure.

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Since 2020 when I started the path in Hive, I talked about my passion for nature and concern for the environment, where I had the vision to build my house in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

There everything was dreams, lots of motivation with wonderful ideas, thanks to the pandemic I was able to delve even more into these issues that involves making sustainable living spaces and thus was born my GREEN HOME.

GREEN HOME A Green Home 鈾伙笍 and Smart Home 馃

An eco-friendly home with the ease and comfort that home automation gives us.

Our Green Home will have the best of both worlds, for me it is the perfect duo, technology is essential, but it is even more important to live in a way more in line with what we have and contributing to the regeneration of the environment with every action.


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A truly epic adventure

We are building our Container House ourselves, in the middle of a beautiful cloud forest on the outskirts of the city of Caracas, in a rural area, where we are already living for a little over 1 year, this has been a learning curve, where the strength and clarity to the goal has given us a lot of firmness.

Our Hogar Verde is at 50% of the first floor. We are already advancing in the construction of openings and installation, extensions for the internal bathroom that will have rainwater collection, biofilters to reuse gray water in gardens and cultivation of fruit trees from our agroforest.

We are also studying the possibility of generating Bio Gas with our solid waste but this is still in process, I am super excited about this, but so was the use of solar panels and the costs were unattainable for us, it was more economical to install national hydroelectric power services.

Recycling, reusing and thinking about building systems less devastating to the environment, is very important, as well as the right design for air currents, natural lighting, the use of every natural resource is important.

So we are moving towards the construction of a Life + Green with sustainable architecture I hope you enjoy reading this post.

Here I also share with you a video so you can enjoy more of our stories.

See you later Hive Lovers 馃挏

Carmen Victoria Turmero

I am audiovisual producer, nature lover, creator of the Ecovillage and Community Vida Verde , passionate about travel and architecture.IMG_20220703_235639.jpg

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