The Driveway Saga Season 4: Episode: 3 - "Second event two days later"

December 10th, 2021
Temperature 17F/-8C

Two Days Later, More Snow

After the first plow three days ago, we started to have a little bit more snow, it was of the crystalline nature so only about 3 inches overnight accumulation of very light snow.

And over night about a foot of snow. Once again very light weight snow, but a lot of it. Not a pleasant thing to wake up to. So a few sips of coffee, a few little bit of Hive activity, then out to clear the snow from the vehicle.

It is never easy to guess when the snow plow guy will show up or if he will after such a snow dump. Today it was a good thing I did go out and clear the snow from the vehicle. He showed up less than half an hour after I cleared the vehicle.

So the week of weather in review:

  • Sunday, some light snow.
  • Monday, a lot of heavy wet snow about 4 inches
  • Tuesday, A little bit of snow, and then an evening snow plow of the driveway. Total snow on ground about 9 inches from thanksgiving to Tuesday.
  • Wednesday, about 3 inches of new light weight snow.
  • Thursday, started snowing in the morning, did not let up until early Friday morning.
  • Friday, woke up to about 15 inches of snow.

So this is how my weekend started, at least people are use to driving on and in the snow now, so any drives should be okay, as long as it is not snowing, I really detest having to drive in white out conditions.

Instead of another set of the same images, (there really was not much difference in them), I thought just one view from upstairs. A pretty good view of the driveway in general and a good idea of how much snow.

window view

A little bit of snow out there now, hopefully it will be another week or two before we have another big snow fall.

Season links

Season 4 Pilot/Episode 1
Season 4 Episode 2

At the end of Season 4 Pilot episode you will find links to all the previous episodes.

Enjoy your weekend and be safe, Christmas is just around the corner.

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