The Driveway Saga Season 3: Episode: 12 - "Closing out the Season"

April 21st, 2021

Seasons End

It has been a month and a week since the last significant snow fall, and the drive way is breaking through.

We have had a pretty nice few days, we hit 55+ F on Saturday, and I think we have been in the 50's now for the last few days. We also have had a return of the sun. Up until Saturday most days were cloudy and overcast it feels as if those days are over now and as we get some sunshine sometime during the day. It helps also that the daylight is a lot longer than a month ago.

The flies, (the blue butt ones), are out and being noids as always. Yesterday my wife saw her first mosquito of the season, and the moths have been out and about for about a week, so pretty safe to call it spring now.

So on with the picture show:
rear view pano
On Monday there was still a bit of ice and unloading groceries was not a very fun thing to do as there was water over ice as the major melt down had begun. We were fortunate the oil man came last week. The driveway is pretty soft right now.

tree round-a-bout
Proof of blue, we really do get some blue in our skies. I think the eight image setup came out pretty decent this time even being hand held. I did loose the very top of the trees in the cropping, but still not to bad of a set up.

Right hand exit
You can see some puddling in the pictures, things are still melting but at least the width is returning to the driveway. The snow around the circle trees is almost gone, and in the rear view shot you can see we are also beginning to get some lawn area returning.

in out drive
I am hoping we do not have any large trucks in the next couple of weeks, things need dry out more, but at least the snow has pulled back from the edge of the driveway to where most of the melt water should stay off the driveway.

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