The image is made of own imagination and thoughts (competition 70) "we are testing our new community WORLD OF XPILAR"

Time for a contest again, where you are the author

Prizes : Upvotes to be won
(You will get a reward from me with a good upvote)

Digital art made by @xpilar

Be creative, Make a good story out of my digital picture

iistid melter vann under hus 1 A.jpg

You join easily,


vise world of xpilar 1.jpg

Press Joined to join the community and press new post and you post it here in THE WORLD OF XPILAR.
When I read it here I will give you a reward with upvote from me.
The size of the upvote is determined by how good the story is.

Use Re-steemed on your own post here and it
will also be on your blog page for your followers

iistid melter vann under hus 1 A.jpg

See the picture better CLIK HERE, view full size

Here you see a bit when I create the image in
the 3D program before I put on effects and colors

istid smelter vann under hus vise 1.jpg

istid smelter vann under hus vise 2.jpg

I am grateful for a comment about my Digital art

If you want to write a story, it must be related to my picture
Be creative when creating the story smiley-160145_640 150 x 133.png

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