Everyday's Ranching

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Everyday's Ranching

Do you know how tough the ranch works, have you ever did or do you want to see how life is at the ranch? John Marston will show you what ranching is and how life is at the farm.

After securing the items cart, John delivers the it to the ranch manager. Manager welcomes John but he looks quite amazed after observing this event.

Manager wants to know the identity of John but John lies and tells that he is just a common man and there is some dispute between in-laws who expelled him.

John asks for a job at this ranch. And tells that he has a family and a son to raise.

The helper carries the cart and manager shows John the room where he can live.

The next day manager sends his helper to collect some items from Strawberry and to take John's family back to the ranch.

John gets up early next morning to start his daily life. John wants to stay low and do what his wife tells too.

Manager comes to check on John and introduces him to the owner of the ranch. The owner looks happy and thanks for securing his items yesterday.

Owner keeps him on job and tells the manager to guide him for the daily chores that they do on farm. From cleaning the horse shed to carrying milk. Managing fodder and water supplies.

The helper takes John for a walk around the ranch and guides him about each thing. John follows him.

Soon the other helper arrives with John's family. John walks towards his hut.

Abigail greets John and John tells that he secured a job. Abigail is not happy with what happened yesterday. She tells John to keep his profile low and avoid showing his gun and arm skills. Abigail wants to stay safe with her son.

John gives assurity and gets back to the farm for further guidance.

Helper takes him to the shed and ask him to milch a cow. Helper asks if he knows how to milch a cow to which John replies that he will learn something new today.

Jack also gets inside the shed to see his father milching the cow. Helper tells him about the bucket and leaves him with the cows.

John places the bucket and prepares himself to start milching.

Buckets starts to fill and John feels uneasy about this new work. He expresses in his low voice that once he used to carry guns in his hands and now he is milching cow in his prime age.

Jack cracks some jokes on John and applauding his skills at milching.

John finishes his job at this shed and ask helper for another task. To which helper takes him to the horse shed.

Helper tells him to feed the cattles timely and manage the supplies. But before that he has to grab a shovel and start cleaning the dung.

John tells Jack to carry the cart behind him. Jack doesn't looks happy with this ranch work.

One by one John picks a shovel full dung and put it in the cart. He cleans across the shed.

After cleaning this facility John asks Jack to call the helper and know the next job.

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