The Red Mist [Note: Disturbing pictures inside].

Something extraordinary happened in this part of the game where Ryan became an ultimate zombie or something for a moment. I noticed Ryan behaving a little off sometimes as if something tries to come out of him and its time we discover what that is.

Before opening the giant gate, I decided to explore around in the main septic tank there where I found crushed bones and some loot able things and then I went for the giant gate.

I could open the gate just by pressing a switch which I thought would be a little hard. After the gate got opened, I went inside and it looked like the ahole of a big dragon or something which was mentioning as the heart of darkness but I'd say its the ahole of darkness, lol.

Suddenly some zombies started coming towards me when Ryan was feeling the special effect and it looked like the zombies were everywhere though this a**hole. The more I was slaying, the more they were coming from everywhere so I understood that I had to run from them so I started running.

With much hardship, I made to a room escaping those zombies when it seemed like a hell of a run and after reaching this room, I noticed a workbench there after a long time and Dr. Reed called me to know if I was still alive. Now I had to get out of the sewers.

When I was about to open a gate there, a cinematic started where Ryan opened the gate and was walking on a bridge when there were bunch of zombies below. Suddenly this lady named Conradt came over and was saying she's been looking for Ryan though they didn't know each other.

While talking to this lady, Ryan kept having the strange feel and it looked like that lady was not normal but had special power as she was glowing over time or maybe its just Ryan who was seeing the lady like that. There were two more peoples there and the lady Conradt was saying that Ryan had his eyes shut and she was gonna have to help him let go.

They broke the bridge and Ryan fell on the ground where bunch of zombies were waiting to rip him apart.

But something happened to Ryan as soon as he fell on the ground. The fury mode that I was confused abut got unlocked and it looked like Ryan himself became a zombie or something and he could rip the zombies apart with bare hands. I slayed all the zombies there like a werewolf would do.

And after that incident, I had to open a gate and get the hell out of this sewer. All I noticed on my way there were more blood and more bodies.

There was this delivery girl carrying a big backpack who was ripping a dead body apart and and I just randomly decided to behead her.

Then I found the exit gate to Venice beach. So, I was really going towards the Venice beach and the game is becoming more interesting after all this time and I got to see daylight after a long time coming out of the sewers that seemed great.

I'll show what happens next later.

I personally took all the screenshots from my play and I used a logo of the game from online to work on the thumbnail in Adobe Photoshop.

This is Pikachuuuuu signing off. Over and out.

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