Bravado Gauntlets - The Muscle Cars.

I gave hint about this job in my last post and now its time I work on this. There were 3 muscle cars around LS and I had to locate them following the maps and details from a mail. I didn't get pins on the map, I just had to locate them all by myself which was a tough job.

Now this is the first Bravado Gauntlet that I went for which was on the roof of a car parking building at Pillbox Hill. I captured a photo using my phone's camera of the map that I got from Franklin's phone as I can't see the original map while using his phone. Then I tracked the place.

I drove to the location and I went to the roof of the parking lot where I found the car parked there. I was confused which to take as there's a fantastic bike parked beside it.

After confirming this is the car I was looking for, I tried a big jump from the building and I messed up the car already as you can see. But no worries, we had to go to a repairing center anyways.

I had to drive the car to Los Santos Customs which was not too far from the parking lot area and I modified it spending $30770 and made it super fast. I spent similar amounts on the other cars as well.

Then I drove the car to drop it in a lockup there from where Lester or other peoples of our team will take them. Finding the right place became harder for me though it was on sight.

The location of the next car was at CaCa in Rockford Hills. The jewelry store that we knocked off long long back is behind it. I found the location just fine and I drove there.

I already knew that's my targeted car there but still I cross checked from the photo I was given in the mail just to show you guys.

I drove to Los Santos Customs, spent around $30000 and modified it also. I tried different color on this color thinking I'd do different colors for different cars but later I thought I could just use the same color for them all which would give a good vibe at the time of the chase.

I drove to the drop off point and I found the other car that I dropped off there earlier and I left it there as well.

Sitting a cool stolen car, I was reading the mail and I found the next location which is at Mission Row. It's a Templar Hotel, South East of Legion Square.

I drove to the location and I found the car where it should've been. Its a similar Gauntlet having different colors just.

I made it look similar after respraying and modifying it spending another $30000+ and I gave it Straw Brown color that looks like gold.

I dropped it off at the drop off point and I noticed the other cars were gone, probably they were taken with the permission of Lester. Franklin called Lester and told him about the job being done and Lester asked him to meet at the strip club for the Big Score as they have everything for the big job.

You're welcome to see more of my GTA V moments later. If you wish me to talk about specific parts or places of this game then you may ask me and I'll try to talk about it.

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