Stealth combat, a necessary strategy in The Last of Us: listen or die.

Hello to the #gamingphotography community,

It's been quite some time since I last posted here, but I plan to stay active and I hope to have the community's support. I remember when I joined Hive a few months ago, this was one of the first communities that caught my attention because of the amazing content. But leaving the past behind, let's get into the important stuff now. I’ll let you enjoy my entry in the Gaming Photography Weekly Contest - Stealth Combat, this time with these images I took on my PS3 from the game that has been obsessing me lately, The Last of Us.

This game is a marvel of stealth combat, as most of the time we will have to use this tactic to face large groups of enemies. While we could engage them in open combat, it is not recommended, as it could deplete our supplies of ammunition and bandages very quickly, and more than anything, it could lead to almost certain death on many occasions.

This is the first enemy I eliminated stealthily.

I love the details they put into the asphyxiation technique that Joel uses to take enemies out of combat.

The chokehold

The mechanics of catching enemies off guard and using them as hostages and human shields are also very well done, and I really enjoy using this technique as it resolves many situations for me. I feel that the enemies increase the chances of dropping ammunition.

Concealment and analysis are fundamental aspects of these encounters; one must have patience to strike at the right moment.

This game has a tool that helps us a lot when it comes to stealth combat, and I'm talking about the Listen Mode, which allows us to identify the exact position of enemies in the surrounding area and almost see them with our ears. You could say that Joel has bat-like hearing, but thanks to this echolocation, I can create better strategies to eliminate my enemies without being detected.

But the game also guides us in this direction, as enemies are so violent that if they discover us, they can take us out of action quite quickly.

There are others that terrify me so much that they force me to hide and avoid direct confrontation, preferring to use the environment and surprise to eliminate them silently and efficiently. I'm talking about the Clickers, these terrifying infected beings with impeccable hearing.

That's all for the post. Thank you for reading, and feel free to leave your opinions in the comments!


Invitation for: @kairuz,@tennoribe, @luigibross

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