Getting to Konpeki Plaza for the Heist.

The thumbnail was created in Canva.

It was a hell of a fight in All Foods though I didn't expect the Militech Agent to double-cross me. When we cleared the whole place, the Militech agents were guarding the gates and I couldn't even enter there now. They're just taking credit for themselves.

After trying to fight those street nomads, I was heading to Afterlife. No, this is not about the real afterlife of life, it's a bar called Afterlife where Jackie was waiting for me as we were going for the heist in Konpeki Plaza.

When I reached Jackie, I found him talking to his mom and then he started walking towards the Afterlife and I started following him till we met that guard of the door. I always try to answer with an alternative option to see how these NPCs react, and I had to tell this guard that we were there to meet Dex and he let us in.

After getting inside, Jackie took a seat and it looked like we were about to have a chat with the lady bartender, yooo boys :D. But before I had a seat beside Jackie, I wished to explore around the bar first.

I found this 8 Ball Pool zone where no one was playing and I didn't have a chance to play as well. I wish that these games would have access to this kind of game. Some people were talking and resting in a corner.

This man again? Like serious? This man is ruling the whole game, it looks like or maybe he's in every bar, who knows?

And I found these dudes, these copy-paste dudes and they were chilling together. If you look closely or zoom this photo, you'll see two more of these copies behind them. I wonder how lazy the character designers of this game are.

I reached Jackie and I sat beside him and this lady bartender came over to offer us a drink. After meeting Judy, I don't have a crush on these ladies anymore, not for now at least. Both Jackie and my V had drinks there and we talked with the bartender a little as well.

The bodyguard of Dex came over to call us over to his boss and we started following him to deep into the Afterlife.

It looked like T-Bug was there with Dex and we were there to deliver or show the Flathead bot to them and we also had to discuss our planning of the heist. BTW, all this time, I thought T-Bug was just a AI and now I see she's a real lady.

There was a chip that I used to acknowledge the details of the heist about when, where, how, and what we're gonna do on this job.

I had to put on a Militech suit and there I tried to see how the suit suited my V when that lady bartender was looking at him from a distance. Do you think that lady had a crush on my V?

There was this rental car waiting for us outside and after I got in there, Jackie also got in and it looked like he wore a Militech suit as well. This car was fully automated and I had to connect a chip there to let the AI of the car know about my details and reservations.

It looked cool to see the car driving auto without a driver and it was driving smoothly. When we were going towards Konpeki Plaza, Jacki and V had a lot of conversations among them and I was just looking around outside of the car to see the night beauty of the Night City.

And we reached Konpeki Plaza after a mid-drive. When Jackie was going in, I stopped there to capture that beautiful scene that showed those big buildings of Night City.

To be Continued...

"Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

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