Stealing The Ammunition Truck From Jose Castilo's Camp. Far Cry 6.

Hey Everyone.

My last mission to rescue Miguel from the jail wasn't an easy one at all and the special forces almost killed me I was happy that I was able to rescue him finally. And we had a big party at the camp after this win.

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Now, it's time to get back to my usual missions. This time I got my mission from Philly. He asked me to attack a secret camp down by a mountain and steal a truck full of ammunition and guns.


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So, I started running on foot towards the camp. While I was on my way there. I took some captures of the beautiful night scenario.

  • This is how the village down the mountain looks from the camp.


  • The sky was looking totally amazing. So I took those shots. I used the colour settings in the photo mode option to get the best output of the sky.




Thank God that I found a car after a while and used it to get to the camp faster. I was on my way while I saw some guerilla soldiers fighting with the enemy so I decided to help them and took this car from the enemies I killed.

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The camp had too many enemies and the main fact is all of them are heavily armed. And it's always the soldiers with RPGs and machine guns that cause the most damage. So, I decided to kill them first with my sniper rifle. But, I made the mistake of not bringing my sniper with a silencer. The other enemies took precautions right away as I took my first shoot at the RPG user. It sure made the whole thing harder than I presumed it would be but I could fight without fear as I took out the main two soldiers first.

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Then I killed the nearby soldiers one by one and then got down from the mountain.

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These enemy dogs were more annoying than the actual soldiers themselves.

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In the end, I managed to get the truck without causing any damage to it and started to drive towards the camp. I drove for a while and it was all going well. I was close to the camp.

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But, all of a sudden I was a barricade of enemies on the road. They were shooting at me and it was damaging the truck. As I mentioned before, the truck was full of ammunition and guns and shooting at it would surely cause it to blow up. So, I got down from the truck and killed all those enemies before they could blow up the truck. But, I never expected a chopper to arrive at the spot and there was an enemy with an RPG on that helicopter. And they destroyed the truck making my operation fail.

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I was respawned back to the mountain near the camp. I thought it would be easy to complete this mission now as I've already done it once. But they never cease to surprise me. A helicopter appeared on the scene and it was raining bullets at me. Last time it took me less than five minuted to complete the mission. But, this time it took me almost fifteen minuted just to deal with this chopper

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After completing this mission again, I decided to take a new route this time to avoid accidrnts like before. I decided to go through the secret tunnels between the rocks and mountains and then through a cliff and forest.

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The road wasn't of comfort at all. As you can see I had to climb hills and rocks with this heavily loaded truck. I crashed into trees that blocked my visual, I had to drive through thin caves, the truck got stuck many times and it was tricky as hell to make it unstuck from those rocks.

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This time, I was trying to climb up and the exelaretor was on full, but as soon as I was up, the truck rushed and it almost fell off the cliff. I was able to barely save it from falling.

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And after this long and hard drive and a few detours, I was able to get back to the main road and my way back to the camp.

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Philly was thrilled to see that was truelly able to make it back safely to the camp.

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As we opened the crates, I saw they were full of weapons. But, it wasn't the weapons that Philly was thrilled about. He wanted those white packing foams. Turns out they are easy to burn and really useful to make explosives.

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After I was done with the main mission and Philly, I took some random shots. This one is a portrait of Dani.

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I previously showed you some shots of the camp. This was how the front side of it looks like. I've taken some shots of the back side as well. Where all the mechanical stuffs like communication, bombs making and car repairing happens.




And, here's a nice image of my cute and furious battle partner friend GUAPO.


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