Supernatural Creatures: Aliens and the Strangeville Mystery!

Hello everybody! Don't think I completely forgot about the supernatural creatures in The Sims 4, I left the one that I think is the most iconic at the end. Aliens have been present since the first installment, through many references, already in The Sims 2 we had playable aliens and we saw many abductions, if I'm honest they seem to me the most boring creatures, yes, they have some pretty cool options, but I don't find them very interesting. I read that there was a mystery in Strangeville (a world in The Sims 4) so I thought "What better way to show an alien than in a strange world?" so here I am doing my (probably) longest post to date.

I had already shown you a bit of the aliens in my main game as the now deceased Marco remarried an alien, so you can see that they have a human camouflage, which is not exactly their human "form". You can create an alien from 0 in create a sim or also by having a baby with an alien.

I had seen that the mystery of Strangeville is in the lab, but obviously I needed an access card to open the door...

I started looking here and there and collecting evidence, by the way the lab doesn't even have a security guard wtf.

I had to ask about the lab in town and something that surprised me and made me very funny is to see this woman who walked funny and seemed to be possessed and like her there are many people in Strangeville.

I had to get some scientist or military person to share an access card with me.... Here I was making friends with a scientist to see if I had any luck, but he left.

Until this nice guy showed up, a military guy who I befriended pretty quickly (with a little help from alien skills) and he gave me an access card.

I immediately went to the lab and got excited because I was going to see what was so mysterious about this town.

But as soon as I went down, there were some spores that hypnotized my sim and these are also responsible for hypnotizing the others in the village. I had to abort the mission for the time being and return home.

And I think I did something wrong because when I went home there was a very strange cloud and also those peculiarly shaped flowers, and especially with many spores in the air...

I went back to meet the military man who gave me the access card and gave me some kind of scanner (I bribed him) which I used to capture some spores for analysis and learned that I must get a special suit to re-enter the lab without the spores possessing me.

A pause to admire the town at night...

I looked for information in the library and also asked locals and it turns out that this guy (the one in the second capture) sells the special suits, but the problem is that he did not sell the upper part that a scientist had to make... Another problem.

I said goodbye to my camouflage and was running around making mischief, I was discovering this poor guy's personality.

In this town there are weirdos with aluminum hats.

I tried to communicate with this possessed person, without success, until I tried to bring him out of his trance.

And it was pretty funny because he woke him up with slaps hahahaha, obviously the guy wasn't too amused so he got mad.

I analyzed the spores and then I talked to my scientist friend (who I forgot to take a picture of lol) and he made me a mask for the suit and, it was time for action...

Here I didn't quite know where I should enter so I kept looking around the room...

And the big mystery is that there is a giant alien flower!

I came up with the very silly idea of fighting it alone and, well, it was winning me over...

Until, in the end, the flower killed my alien sim, it ate her whole in one bite, the truth is that it's my first time doing this in Strangeville so I didn't know what to expect or that any of this could happen lol.

And with this last capture of the full view of the flower I say goodbye, promising a prompt revenge, it won't stay like this! I hope you liked today's post as much as I did, it was quite entertaining this time in Strangeville. Thank you very much for reading and see you later in another post ❤️

Translated by DeepL

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