Chapter of Lady Masako comes to an end.

Hello folks, It has been a quite long time since I have played a PC game and there were many reasons I couldn't play the game and I couldn't share it with you. But the wait is over and the very first thing I did was try to complete the story of Ghost Of Tsushima.

In my previous blog, I mentioned that I was on the hunt for Lady Masako and I managed to find her in a shed near a mountain she told me that I had to become stronger and more skillful to beat the Mongolian army so went to a shine with her and there I found a wordsmith and a lady who gave me an armor. But this was not it there were many other sellers and people in the shrine who were seeking shelter to get protection from the Mongolian army.

and there was this big tree under which I found a gift shop kind of thing where the person was collecting donations from across the island and they were trading knowledge about the Mongolian army after I met him he offered me a free gift as a token of gratitude as I was helping them, the island to set free from the Mongolian army. The gift was a Mongolian artifact but the main purpose he told me was that people like him who are running such arrangements across the island will help to spread words throughout the island and will tell the story of my bravery.

this is the woman from whom I purchased and upgraded my armor, and as you can see there are many armors with her right now but she gave me the one that royal warriors used to use, and I can upgrade it's features like color and material and style, and as it was the royal armor it is adaptable to my different style of stance.

one of the best things about this shrine is that it gives the OG cultural vibe of ancient Japan look at this well here and people making food and other stuff using bonfires.

After all this, I left the shrine and went to meet Lady Masako who told me that her family had been killed and she had a doubt that one of the monks from this shrine was involved in it.

can you believe it she used me as bait as a signal of distress which monks would take and he will make his move. And my journey of the day started with it. The plan that she laid out worked, one of the monks left the shrine and met some people in the backside of the shrine. So we started following the monk to see where he would go and while we were following him I found a beautiful stone Buddha statue.

just look at the sun-kissed shinny Buddha statue and I captured Lady Masako also in the frame.

So coming back to the follow, we followed the monk through deep forest and down the hill as the shrine was at a hilltop.

and after a while, we saw him entering a small camp and talking to a few men and I knew that these were men who were working for the Mongolian army. It was confirmed that these were Japanese men, and bandits but was not sure that do they loved their country or not.

and lady Masako couldn't control herself after seeing these men she was
completely filled with anger and despair, we started our attack on them and I was in charge of fighting most of the bandits at the ground while she chased the monk.

I started with the standoff which helped me gain resolve so that I can use the special ability.

Just look at the count of these men here all barging at once towards me but I took them head on one by one and defeated them all.

That's it for today I will continue the rest in part 2 of this blog. Thanks for stopping by and reading until next time keep reading, and keep supporting me.

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