It's not nature that's showing us where to go next.

So, we were after Libertalia and for that, we were at the sea and exploring islands. I knew we were getting to the prologue scene soon and I was focusing on exploring around more than focusing on the treasure. It looked like the real me was having that adventure there.

We reached this other side of the island that we found before where I found a treasure which is a Combination Lock Tobacco Box and Sam was saying that he should've brough bathing suits and more socks and Nathan suggested that wet socks will keep him cool.

Then I drove the boat to another part of the island through that hole where I was about to explore around and Nathan asked if Sam wished to join. There we noticed or pulley system or something like that which was of course, man-made but there was not way to climb up.

And we noticed this tower that's definitely man-made or we can say pirate-made. Now we had to find a way up to that tower.

There I discovered a door which should cover a massive chamber and Sam was sayin maybe it was to hide the treasure but Nathan didn't agree as he thinks whatever Avery put the treasure's gonna be the most elaborate place they've seen yet.

After staring at the boat from that place, I found that wooden bridge that says, there were peoples there recently cause these things looks new and functional.

Then we reached the tower and found a door that takes us halfway to the top. Ain't this take creative enough? I guess I could join the creative perspectives contest with such takes.

Well, after reaching halfway through climbing inside the tower, we had to come outside and had to climb the outer parts now. At a point, I found something to hook up my rope and I tried that to climb up and Sam was just following every steps I was taking.

There was this glowing thing on top of the tower that looked promising and after Nathan cleared the dust on it, it looked like a compass arrow. Nathan drew it on his journal.

Then Sam pressed it and surprisingly a window opened there and they noticed the same symbol that just became visible on the shore. Now we just need to find out where the arrow is pointing and maybe we just cracked our next destinations.

Before coming down of the tower, I looked around and noticed the top of the island where we first landed and it looked like we need to go there next soon.

I really like these jumps so every time I get a chance, I hook my rope and I jump no matter how high it is. After I reached the ground using the rope, Sam followed me.

I found this skeleton of someone hanging on that pillar and Nathan was wondering who this guy might have done that he had to face this kings of ending. Sam was saying that maybe he wouldn't stop singing sea shanties, hahaha.

And we found another arrow there on this side of the island but our boat was on the other side so we had to go there.

Getting to the first arrow where our boat was parked, we noticed it was pointing out to the island onward and I could see there was another arrow there on that part. I guess I need to follow these arrows to find our next destination.

The next post will be coming soon. Screenshots are my take from the game and I took the game logo that I used on the thumbnail picture from online.


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