I am LOST in Lost Legacy.

I didn't think I'd lost in lost legacy this soon but man, I am really lost in the beautiful landscapes that I'm witnessing in the third chapter, titled "Homecoming". Does that thumbnail picture ring a bell? I decided to show only beautiful photos like this in this post so hand on tight there.

Not me, Chloe started her photography journey first and following her, I also thought of using the photo mode to capture some photos around. Chloe was capturing a photo using his phone camera at this moment and she stopped after that but I didn't stop from the moment I started.

When Chloe was checking the photo she just captured, I was looking for different angles to keep her in the frame, along with the beautiful nature around. I was thinking of three themes of @gamingphoto when I was capturing these photos, 1. Cinematic Shots, 2. Water Experience and 3. Landscape Shots. I'm holding some for the third theme.

There was a tree bridge that Nadine used to get to the other side easily but when I reached there, the tree fell down even before I set my foot on it so now I had to look for an alternative way to get to Nadine on the other side.

Nadine asked me if I can get across as if she'd fly me if I'd say no. I started looking around and after trying a small slide, I scared some birds off and they flew away. What do you see in this frame? That sun ray? It looks amazing in this frame, right?

I noticed a tree on the other side where I could attach my rope so I threw it and I jumped there first. Later I had to pull up first and then I had to do wall run and get to the left side and when I was climbing up, Nadine tried to help Chloe but she could do it alone.

We found our jeep there waiting for us on the other side but I don't understand how the jeep came here as they were coming here from another location. I guess they were aware of this location, they just needed the key so they went out.

Nadine wanted to drive the jeep but Chloe didn't agree saying its a control thing and I was surprised that Nadine didn't say anything in reply. So, I started driving the jeep.

Then Chloe suggested we should enjoy the serenity and that's when a group of bird flew away which added a beautiful vibe to my experience.

I kept driving through the waterfalls and then the jungle. I could see some animals around that looked like monkey. They were shit scared seeing us.

And we witnessed this beautiful view after getting in this place where these Flamingos were resting. I decided to drive towards them so I can get such amazing views.

The next post will be coming soon. Screenshots are my take from the game and I took the game logo that I used on the thumbnail picture from online.


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