Digging up a past that was swore to stay buried.

Today, I'm going to show some special moments from my God of War play in this post where I'll talk and show you my journey to the home of Kratos where the started as he'll need his blades of chaos to get something precious to save Atreus from an extraordinary illness.

After I failed fighting the Valkyrie, I used the Mystique Gateaway there to get to Tyre's Bridge on the Lake of Nine and found this magically-sealed door there that took us inside Tyre's Bridge Interior where we found a board at first but the middle panel was missing there.

There we found a sand bowl at the center and Kratos asked Atreus to interact with it but the kid wanted to teach his father how to read these. Kratos was refusing but the was insisting so Kratos was trying to learn.

Suddenly, Kratos stopped Atreus and was asking if he was smelling something and Atreus replied that he was smelling rain.

We noticed thunder lightning and there came Modi to avenge the death of his brother. Modi was not this mad because he lost his brother but he was crazy cause everyone will now think that he gets the hammer because Magni is gone and he'll become a joke.

So, he's thinking everything will be solved killing Kratos and no one will laugh at him.

When Modi had Kratos with his lightning power, Atreus was trying to save his father and the kid at a point became mad and was about to bring out Spartan Rage out of him and he fell on the ground.

Kratos couldn't stand still anymore and brought out his Spartan Rage and gave Modi a good punch which made him escape the scene saying, "this isn't over".

Atreus was there on the floor so Kratos didn't go after Modi. Carrying Atreus, I was going towards the boat and had to take Atreus to Freya as she's the only person who could help the kid.

Placing Atreus and the head of Mimir on the boat, I started rowing it towards Freya's cave and Mimir was saying that Odin's eye is on Kratos, especially now that he's taken to killing his kin. Mimir also added that Freya's forest is a blind spot for Odin so this was their smartest move.

Reaching the back door Freya, Kratos started kicking on it and asking to open to door as it was urgent but Freya was saying that she's still a god and asked Kratos to go away as the last time, Kratos misbehaved knowing the secret of Freya.

When Kratos said the boy has fallen ill, Freya opened the gate at once and ran towards Atreus like the closest kin.

Touching the stomach of Atreus, Freya was saying that this was no ordinary illness and added that the boy's true nature fights within him.

Freya was saying that there's a rare ingredient found only in Helheim and she needs the heard of the keeper that protects a gate there in Helheim.

To describe about Helheim, Freya was saying that its a land of unyielding cold where fires can't be burned and no magic in all the nine realms can create a blaze and the Leviathan Axe will be useless there so Kratos needs to find something else.

Kratos replied that he must returns home to dig up a past he swore would stay buried. Freya gave a rune to Kratos which will open the bridge to Helheim and forbade from crossing the bridge of the damned under any circumstances as there's no way back.

I took the path through her garden to take her boat as she asked me to take it and this was as special boat that didn't need a steersman, it was rowing on its own and I was seeing all these special creatures like some dear with magical horns.

Suddenly, I noticed this appearance of a lady there. Not a common lady but someone extraordinary and the photo you're seeing above, its the one I'm using as my hive profile picture right now. And that lady's called Athena and as far as I learned about her, she's a goddess and Kratos's sister in this concept of God of War.

This cinematic part along with the background music was the best part I've found in this game till now.

Reaching the land of home, I found some monsters there waiting to get me and I gave them hell for sure.

Then I was there at the door and Kratos went inside the dig his past and I still didn't know what he was about to dig.

The next moment, I found its about his Blades of Chaos that I didn't see in this game yet but I know it was his main weapons in some old games.

When Kratos was binding the blades on his hands, there came Athena again and was saying, "there's no nowhere you can hide, Spartan." She added that there's one unavoidable truth that Kratos will never escape and cannot change and that's he'll always be a monster.

When Athena was finished with her words, the blades were glazing with flames and Kratos came out holding the blades as a spartan now.

The concept of this game is getting more interesting now and we'll check what happens next in another post.

I'll try to talk about more special moments soon from my play in God of War or maybe from other games.

My PC Specs:
Operating System: Windows 11 Pro
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor, 3.60 GHz
RAM: 16.0 GB
GPU: GTX 1660 Super.

Image Source: In game screenshots.

End of the post.

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