Exploring around in John's Region for the first time.

After liberating a cult outpost in Faith's Region, I entered John's and I checked on the YES mountain for the contest. I guess there are some cult outposts and more side missions waiting for me in Faith's Region but I decided to work on John's for sometime as I was in there already and I mostly went for some stash stuffs that peoples left somewhere when I tried to take down each cult that I found on my way.

I was flying a chopper taking a lady companion with me and I suddenly noticed some cults at the place where we were going to retrieve some stash stuffs and I noticed some cults were torturing an innocent there and I did a headshot on the cult who was in charge of torturing and then the others came close to me and I shot all of them down.

Suddenly I noticed my lady companion was screaming in the forest and it looked like she needed my help. I ran towards her and I noticed a cult carrying a flame thrower who actually burned the lady companion and my character got burned a little as well and he hardly lived from this burn without having a med.

I felt bad for the lady companion but she'll be recovered after a certain time so I assigned another companion and I reached the spot and I looted a cult truck there.

As I already made this place a massacre with the bodies of the cults, the other ones who were using this road kept looking for me after noticing the bodies and I kept taking them down as well. I never get bored of taking down the cults, no matter how many of them comes.

At last I decided to look for the stash stuffs and I found some Prepper's Note that says they stashed some stuffs at the back office so I was trying to get inside there but it was blocked so I climbed up that shade to find out I can get inside there.

I tried jumping and yes, I was succeeded in getting there though I didn't think he could do it as the blank space was kind of lengthy. But after getting inside, I couldn't go anywhere else and I noticed my companion went to another part so I understood I was wrong about the spot.

After seeing my companion in that warehouse or whatever that is, I went back to the place and I found the office room that Prepper was talking about but the gate was locked and it needed electric power to be unlocked and I noticed water in the whole floor there.

As soon as I activated the electric power after looking for it for a moment, I noticed the whole floor was electrified with the water as there was electric wire in the water and my companion fell there. I tried to save him but I noticed its impossible so I shot him so he dies fast.

Then I kept myself above from the ground level and I kept jumping from one side to another and at last I found the stashed stuffs where there were a lot of cash includes other things.

Then I was looking for another stash spot which was a tower on that lake and before going there, I fought some cults on the highway.

There was someone locked inside this room and he couldn't open it up. I was asked to shoot the door which I tried but nothing happened.

Then using a zipline, I reached the other side of the lake and I noticed some shootings there where I took part and I found out that the stronger civilians were fighting the cults where I helped them.

Then I noticed an open window of that tower and I tried shooting the door from that far and I nailed it, I'm glad that I was right about it. Then I went to the other side of the lake taking my newly assigned companion who died getting burned before.

After reaching there, I noticed some cults reached the spot probably after knowing the news of the door being opened and I shot all of them down.

Then I went inside the tower and I found the dead body of the man who was inside though I thought I'd find him alive. There were bunch of cash includes other stuffs and I took.

There was this big open field where a cult was using a tractor for cultivating something and I tried shooting him down but he and another one were running towards me and I shot both of them down from that distance.

Then I drove the tractor to get to that wind turbine thinking I might found a ladder there which I'd use to climb up but unfortunately, there was not one. And then I stopped playing for the day and btw, its the story of my 1 hour and 4 minutes playing Far Cry 5.

How about we continue in another post?

Thanks for reading my post.

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