Air Raid | Far Cry 5.

This part comes right after Wingman that I stored in my store folder as I was into stealth combat in my last post. When I was choosing the thumbnail, I was just looking at this picture and thinking what I have done. I mean, ain't that a masterpiece?

I was not really looking for this mission, I just got into the aircraft to get to another location and the mission itself started right after I got into the aircraft and then I understood I was missing a good fight if I'd ignore it. Btw, that's Nick Rye in another plane who is my companion fighter now and gives me air support.

So, my first raid was on a cult fuel pump that was not so far from where I flew so I went there fast and when I was flying above the fuel pump, I just released a missile on it and then I had to return and release another missile as it was not destroyed completely.

Now I had to destroy two cult convoys in two locations and this is the first one I took charge. I released a missile on the truck leading and I thought it was done.

Later I noticed the job was not done. I had to return and destroy the remaining vehicles. Then there was another convoy with similar vehicles that I destroyed as well.

After the convoy, I was tasked to destroy two cult helicopters. It was like crippling the peggies in a single run. I reached the location and found the first chopper that I missed cause I was more focused on the photographs but Rye finished it off.

Then I went for the second helicopter and I hit it enough to get destroyed. The picture above is showing the enemy chopper going down and at the same time, I was also flying towards the ground just to capture this photo and I was down as well.

This time it was about destroying a fighter airplane controlled by a cult. The last time I fought an enemy airplane was when John was flying it and I had to switch to a chopper to take it down as fighting a fighter plane flying a fighter plane is kinda hard.

But there were two of us against one cult so I was not worrying.

This is the moment where I got the masterpiece photograph that I used in the thumbnail. I was not shooting the enemy aircraft well cause I knew the moment would gone if I destroy it so I was trying to capture some special moments like these. There, I flew upside down and went too close to the enemy aircraft that I had a chance to go down.

Nick Rye did the trick and destroyed the plane that should do the job but the cult came out of the plane right before the explosion.

I flew towards the cult taking my life in hand as I was not about to leave him be and you can see the cult went upside down as I hit him. The mission was completed before I took care of the cult.

I kept trying to take him down but as I was too close, I couldn't lit him up. I tried to hit and destroy the parachute so he fall to dead. In trying to get him down, I fell in a crash situation and I never knew if that cult was down or not.

How about we continue in another post?

Thanks for reading my post.

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