What is a Boomer?


New Community called Boomers

  • So @onealfa created this community and most of the replies were : What's a Boomer? How old is a Boomer? Am I a Boomer? or I would love to join but I am to old.
  • It made me laugh and smile.
  • We hear these words thrown around and sometimes we are exactly sure what they mean. I thought it was babies of War World Two veterans coming home and being happy to be alive, and optimistic about the future.
  • Read on to see if I was right.
    Photo Credit street sign

What does it mean to be called a Boomer?

boomer noun [C] (PERSON)

  • Boomers usually refers derogatorily to OLD PEOPLE who don't understand or know how to operate technology/.
  • Your typical Boomer doesn't use email or texting.
  • Your typical Boomer does know why there is such a big fuss over Bitcoin.
  • But that is a generality, and like all generalities it lacks in accuracy and definition.
  • Here is a formal definition from Wikipedia source

Baby boomers, often shortened to boomers or occasionally Gen W, are the demographic cohort preceded by the Silent Generation and followed by Generation X. The generation is often defined as people born from 1946 to 1964 during the mid-20th century baby boom. The dates, the demographic context, and the cultural identifiers may vary by country.[1][2][3][4] Most baby boomers are the children of either the Greatest Generation or the Silent Generation, and are often parents of Millennials.

  • Another look at is...

Boomer: a person born during the period between approximately 1945 and 1965 following World War II, when there was a baby boom (= a large increase in the number of babies born), also used to refer to an older person in general. source

What about the others?


  • Here are some generally excepted definitions from the website Kasa Exchange , without the derogatory descriptions.

The breakdown by age looks like this:

Baby Boomers: Baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. They're currently between 57-75 years old (71.6 million in the U.S.)

Gen X: Gen X was born between 1965 and 1979/80 and is currently between 41-56 years old (65.2 million people in the U.S.)

Gen Y: Gen Y, or Millennials, were born between 1981 and 1994/6. They are currently between 25 and 40 years old (72.1 million in the U.S.)

Gen Y.1 = 25-29 years old (around 31 million people in the U.S.)

Gen Y.2 = 29-39 (around 42 million people in the U.S.)

Gen Z: Gen Z is the newest generation, born between 1997 and 2012. They are currently between 9 and 24 years old (nearly 68 million in the U.S.)

Gen A: Generation Alpha starts with children born in 2012 and will continue at least through 2025, maybe later (approximately 48 million people in the U.S.)

Special Note:

The term “Millennial” has become the popular way to reference both segments of Gen Y (more on Y.1 and Y.2 below).

Sometimes labeled with the moniker “Zillennials”, those wedged at the tail end of Millennials and the start of Gen Z are sometimes labeled with this moniker — a group made up of people born between 1994 and the year 2000.

Originally, the name Generation Z was a placeholder for the youngest people on the planet — although Generation A has now taken over that distinction. However, in the same way that Gen Y morphed into Millennials, there is certainly a possibility that both Gen Z and Gen A may adopt new names as they leave adolescence and mature into their adult identities.

While the label Gen A makes discussion easier, it may not be the last word on this group of humans.


Okay, now you know!

  • So if your a Boomer start posting here to share your unique point of view about the world and what's going on in it.
  • If you don't write please come back and read what the Boomers write because Boomers provide the rest of the generations with a point of view necessary to help solve the world's issues. Remember no generation has a monopoly on the truth, but together we get a more complete picture of the problem, from which solutions flow.


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