Bourbon Brooding

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to appreciate sipping on a little bourbon for the first time in a significant amount of time!


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Bourbon Brooding

I was really torn for the cover photo of this post, should I use the picture of the glass of bourbon I'm drinking? I often like to put 3 pictures or more on my posts, as a way to separate the paragraphs of text and break things up a little bit. With my alcohol related posts, unless I'm including a larger number of photos than normal, I usually add at least one picture of something else, unrelated or not. With this one, I couldn't go past this beautiful autumn photo I took last year!

I don't know why I'm geared up for autumn this year. We had a pretty mild to cold summer overall, with only a few weeks of "nice" weather that was hot. It was pretty wet and rainy basically the entire month of June but July was actually really nice, with some hot weather pretty consistently and not a significant amount of rain. August was a bit of a slower month, with it dipping back into the cooler temperatures of high 70's and low 80's. Overall not that uncomfortable for sure but a little on the sad side. Are we truly finally sliding into a bit of an ice age? Hard to say I suppose, it's quite possible but who the hell knows these days?


I was doing some cleaning a few weeks ago, tossing shit out of boxes that we really didn't need and I stumbled upon a bottle of bourbon that I forgot we had! I was pretty excited because I usually don't buy these types of things but I think I might buy another bottle or two to have in the house.

I don't like to get shitfaced or really drunk but sitting here writing a post sipping on a nice glass of bourbon with some ice in it, it's pretty damn relaxing! The other added benefit of it as well is that the calorie quantity of it is far better than beer so that helps. I don't try to go crazy keeping an eye on my caloric intake however getting older, the metabolism slows down a bit because at the moment I'm not as physically active as I once was for a few reasons. I know we all "plan" on getting more physically active but I really hope that I can get back to doing it! I know I certainly need it for a number of health reasons, to prevent disease for sure but to lose a few pounds. I'm not at the highest weight I've ever been but I'm a few pounds shy of it, and I really don't plan on getting back to that weight let me tell you! lol.


I started out the post with the idea in mind of writing about the bourbon and how delicious it was and it ended up going off the rails a little bit. I guess that's what happens with some of the posts and we just roll with it!

Bourbon has been one of the spirits that I enjoy but I don't really drink too often. As of writing this post, I haven't obviously fallen asleep yet but a side effect of drinking whiskey, bourbon and other spirits that have a focused sugar content is that I get some really fucking crazy dreams lol some nights after I have a drink I will dream all night and not really "sleep" which makes it difficult. That's the main barrier for me not enjoying this indulgence more often! It happens with beer but to a lesser extent. I don't know what it is about bourbon and whiskey but damn they give me some wild ass dreams. I wonder if that's a good thing or a bad thing? Lol.

With the upcoming autumn season though, one thing is for sure is that I am ready to enjoy a little bit of relaxation and enjoyment of the cooler weather! I love going for nice walks in the autumn, with the beautiful leaf colors everywhere and comfortable temperatures to go for a walk with a pair of jeans and a t shirt, it really makes for something special. We've taken all kinds of walks and seen all kinds of places over the years and I know that each year we will see something new and interesting!


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