Alien Tracks

I have begun looking around railroad tracks for evidence of unusual Alien Poop.

My oh my is it rough up north… the mosquitoes and the horse flies are super hungry. Its quite the mission to walk rail road tracks in search of specimen’s- not to mention needing to keep an eye on your back for bears , cougar, wolves, coyotes, or upset deer and hidden snakes.
Ha. But true these are all things to be aware of alone in forests following tracks.

One of the specimens I found was red and while i think most of these rocks are trash rocks I have found Amethyst, I have found a small shard of agate… and this last trip i found tons of green rocks and this all red one. It has a stickyish rough texture such as rubbing your hand across a side walk of cement. So this app the rock identifier app has said it was a poppy jasper or quartz or something and i dont think its any.

Is it RED jasper as indicated in the manufactured photo below though?

Is it the red jasper?? It seems like it could be but there are so many inclusions of minerals and its rough.

Any help identifying this is appreciated haha. Take our best guesses at the alien poop.

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