Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 24: CCC's Street Art Contest #174

I had fun with contest #173 and with that now behind us, it is time for CCC's Street Art Contest #174.

Taking part in the contest is open to anyone, it is advisable to read up on the simple rules here.

And simultaneously it is the 24th series of the longest graffiti wall in Africa which I have been having fun with.

I am not happy with my photo shot of this part of the wall, I could have done better now that I am looking at it.

The artist is very creative with colors here, the painting of the woman stands out for me as it offers lots of details to take from it. I have only spotted the keyhole on the side of her head now that I am writing the post and all along I have missed it.

A close shot of my favorite part of the mural.

One more

And the floating spaceman looks cool up there.

The artist's Instagram

A better shot of the mural from the artist's Instagram.

This mural (Effet Graff) is located in Cotonou in the Republic of Benin.

The Effet Graff festival aims to achieve the longest mural wall in Africa.

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 22

What Is Hive

We owe it to ourselves to make Hive great

Image by @doze

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