Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 17: CCC's Street Art Contest #167

Sharing the longest graffiti wall in Africa with the Street Art community has been nothing short of fun.

Normally I share my entry to the contest on Tuesdays but since my flight is tomorrow, I'd like to mainly focus on the long flight to NZ ahead of me.

So here is my entry to CCC's Street Art Contest #167.

Please read up on the rules to participate here

Also this is the 17th part to the longest graffiti wall in Africa.

This is a cool painting with many details and each time I look closely, I discover hidded paintings that I find interesting.

It took a detailed look to see the shared hug of a seated male and female. I can't really tell the male from female or they could possibly be of same gender.

I also see a snake, a hut at the far-right of the above photo with other animals...

The happy woman stands out in the painting, perhaps those are names of all that took part in the painting.

Spotting the fish with fins was easier. Above is on a branch is an animal that was also easy to spot.

A closer shot of the happy woman.

At first I wasn't sure of what to make of the painting on this section of the wall but I like that it has details that requires a closer look to spot them. So it took a closer look to spot the maize on the middle-right of the painting.

A closer shot of the names.

I tried to get this part of the wall in a shot 📷

A look back at the wall as it strectches backwards. It is intersting that I have gotten 17 series out of this wall so far.

Above is the artist of this mural.

This mural (Effet Graff) is located in Cotonou in the Republic of Benin.

The Effet Graff festival aims to achieve the longest mural wall in Africa.

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 16

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 15

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 14

What Is Hive

We owe it to ourselves to make Hive great

Image by @doze

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