Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 15: CCC's Street Art Contest #165

Last week's contest was fun as usual with graffiti shared from around the world. I have found it interesting to see graffiti from other parts of the world, there is always the presence of culture in the paintings which can be education as well.

CCC's Street Art Contest #165 is here, be sure to read up on the rules if you are keen on participating.

This is my entry for this week's contest and also the 15th part of the longest graffiti mural in Africa.


I felt the need to make 2 parts from this section of the wall, so we are looking at the second part from last week's section by the same artist.

I find the design of architectural building more captivating. I like how two hands are painted carrying a calabash.


A bit of an angle to the shot. While photographing this wall, I had no idea how I would be sharing them in parts/sections, they were too much to plan for but so far I have been doing okay with them.


The clay houses are cool, showing African houses in villages, I recall seeing these kinds of houses when I was younger and visited Benin.
Now that I am currently in Benin, I have not seen houses built of clay but am sure they still exist in remote villages.

I did a Google search on the statue with a hoe but couldn't find a similar statue.


The painting of the boy and girl depicts that education is key to becoming a success...


A look back at parts 14 and 15 before part 16 next week.


Artist: Drusille Fagnibo

This mural (Effet Graff) is located in Cotonou in the Republic of Benin.

The Effet Graff festival aims to achieve the longest mural wall in Africa.

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 14

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 13

What Is Hive

We owe it to ourselves to make Hive great

Image by @doze

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