Doodles On the Walls Along CLC Roads

We were at the gas station having our tank filled earlier this month when I noticed the artwork on the street wall in the distance. Unfortunately, I could not get out of the car to look closer as we were in a neighborhood with mad dogs. Having a bad experience being bitten by one a long time ago, I still have that fear so these pictures were captured through the window.

This snap was taken while the hubby was maneuvering a reverse. I could have requested him to go closer to the mural but it was narrow so he did it just a few yards from the gas station. Luckily, I was able to capture this and the first photo above.

I tried to look up whose work it was but unfortunately, there was no information about it. It might have been part of the beautification initiative by the local government in that part of town as it is becoming a common practice in the region.

Meanwhile, these were photographed yesterday. We had been seeing it for a while along the village roads but only had the chance to take a snap albeit in a rush as another vehicle was behind us and the street was narrow.

It depicts a hillside with small farm terraces where crops like bell peppers and lettuce are grown as they do in that village. They mostly have mulching in their farms.

Also seen along that same street is what I would call the "Fruit Wall", lol! There is no need for further explanation about this, noh?😅 But yes, we observed that the place does have plenty of fruit trees.

There was a painting installed on a hut along the curve. There were boards too with written phrases in them. For a moment, I thought it was a picnic spot until my eyes caught what was written in one of the posts, "Enjoy the View" so I assumed it was a view deck.

Unfortunately, that street is too narrow only one vehicle can pass at a time so one would have to find a place to park and then walk to it. I hope to do that someday.

I imagined the artworks were made by the locals as part of their roadside beautification. There are more of them out there, but it is challenging to take decent pictures while in a moving vehicle on a narrow street. Most of my shots are blurry, lol! If it was not far from where we are, I could take my lil guy for a walk and enjoy them closely.

Thank you and until next time!

All photos are my own. 26072024/22:17 UTC

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