Wenford Dries. Bodmin. Cornwall

Join me in the pointy bit of England as we wander around the Wenford Dries


Clay has been mined on Bodmin Moors since the beginning of the 20th century with the Dries at Wenford opening shortly after. Its function was to dry china clay slurry, pumped by pipeline from the quarry some miles away

The slurry was then poured in to drying baths above long furnaces to dry. For the men working here it was probably very unpleasant, dusty and hot; working on the under-floor furnaces the heat was of such of intensity that despite the heavy wooden clogs they wore they would find their socks burned and their feet blistered.


The dry china clay was then collected, stored and sent out by train to Padstow harbour.


The building was worked right up until 2002 when it finally closed. It has since stood abandoned, now a playground for artists, good, bad and very fucking bad!Unseen by the public, brought to you today. Feel the love.




Some nicely worn stuff outside as I try to find the way into the buildings.


Here we go



Alas, the first two I came across would have been exceptional pieces had it not been for the juvenile actions of others.



I guess the majority of the stuff in here was tagging, but some were better than others.













Cops, not well liked in these parts. The acronym ACAB, has been around for decades, back in the day a blue tattooed dot on each of the four fingers on a hand was common amongst tearaways. when asked wht it stands for the reply was
All Christians Are Believers. and NOT All Coppers Are Bastards

She who must be obeyed



Loving the detail in Mono


I think this was kind of clever, never seen similar before, inside the outline of the hand is pasted on newspapers.


Art within art, The "Be Happy" mural stands about 10 ft tall, can you see it ?


10 inches art within art







Surprised the juveniles haven't had a go at messing this parrot up.


Or the mermaid




Have to say this is my favourite. So the Dries done, now it's time for one of them yummy scrummy Cornish Pasties.

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Thanks for visiting my page, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. this is Stephen aka, @grindle, happily retired, travelling the world snapping away. My weapon of choice is currently a Nikon Z6(2). Unless stated all images are shot by me, all text is mine based on various info sources. NOT AI generated. If you like my blog, it would be very much appreciated if you upvote and follow me. Also, I enjoy interaction please drop a comment https://www.pinmapple.com/@grindle


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