My favorite mural in Maringá so far and some thoughts on it

Hello people navigating the virtual scapes, I wish you an ejoyable present.

I've been enjoying Maringá a lot, despite being a large and noisy city, it certainly has a lot of charm and the people have to be some of the nicest ever.

Of course, this has a price, but I'll probably talk about that in the next post. For now i just want to share one of my favorite murals in the city, located conveniently near a water faucet so I see it often whenever I go to refill my bottles.

I don't know how or when, but some day I will reach a place where you can actually see all this, and it's not just a painting that reminds me of what we have destroyed in the name of "progress".

What about you? Do you prefer real life children that are full of joy and connected to Nature, or is it better that they just stay there painted on a wall? What would you be willing to sacrifice in order for them to have their rightful space on this Earth?

I feel foolish making such questions because I see society not giving many fucks about any of it. They still hungrily seek the latest iPhone, the newest car, that trend in clothing that is yet to be released on the market.

It makes me think that maybe I'm the crazy one, who just doesn't understand. That I should just accept Jesus in my heart and get the vaccine for COVID (more on that soon).

Anyway, something about this child's expression captivates me deeply. Reminds me of a certain someone who I don't know if will ever come across this post, but who knows?

Here a little bonus:

It translates to: "I have a birth defect in me and I was groomed to like birds"

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