Headless flamingoes

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Not so long ago, I was showing you a very cool and very pink graffiti I found in Lisbon. I only recognized the author because I saw another one of his works earlier, and I kept the name to check his Instagram.

This one here was the first.

The old and abandoned cork processing factory wall was used as canvas here. It is not a very old graffiti, and I remember seeing it for the first time. I was pretty surprised to see so many colours! And now I can't even remember what was there before.
Google to the rescue :) This was taken in 2019.

google map

And this is how it looks now. Even the sky got more blue :p

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Now one cannot pass it by without noticing the colorful birds with chopped-up heads. Flamingoes, water, boats (one little paper boat, actually, and I saw exactly the same one in another piece of this artist; it looks like he likes to repeat some small details here and there), houses... it's all very local. I tried to find some information about this piece, but I couldn't.

The flamingoes do make sense though, since they do show up from time to time in the shallow waters in the river down the road.

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When the young trees finally grow up, it is going to be a really nice spot. I hope the graffiti is still there by then.

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And off they go to the water.
It's cool that the water can be seen from there. It looks like the birds fly directly to it.

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You can check out Goncalomar's instagram if you want to see more of his work. I did not find the flamingos there though.
And there is another mural made by him not far from this one, but I will keep it for a separate post. The story behind it deserves it.

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Shot with OnePlus 7 pro
All photos and text are my own.

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