A wonderful tribute to a selfless man - Ti João

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A while ago (and I didn't realize it had been so long already), I showed you an amazing flamingo mural created in a local park. You can check out the post here.
Back then, I mentioned that there was another, smaller one around, created by the same artist. This had to wait a bit for its turn, but I was missing one shot of the text that is in front of it. I finally went and got it.

It is time to introduce you to an incredible history of...

Ti João

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The mural is on a building (which is an ice cream place) facing the river and a small beach. It has an amazing view, which you can see a little lower. There is also a very small beach. This is the beach that João Pedro Fonseca Ramos was cleaning from all possible garbage people were leaving behind or the tides would bring and leave one the shores. I can imagine the place would get very dirty if you walked further away; even now, there is a lot of trash left behind.

The man would simply clean it so that people could enjoy it.
Just because he wanted to. Pretty amazing, eh?

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Here is what it says:

João Pedro Fonseca Ramos, conhecido por todos na região como Ti João, assegura um notável trabalho, contribuindo para que a pequena praia fluvial do Seixal se tenha requalificado e se destaque pela limpeza do areal. O seu serviço espentâneo e altruista, dedicado ao bem comum, é um exemplo de devoção genuína à comunidade.
Esta obra é uma homenagem ao cidadão e ao seu legado que nos serve a todos de exemplo. Muito gratos Ti João!

Obra de MAR-goncalomar1
02/20 21

João Pedro Fonseca Ramos, known to everyone in the region as Ti João, ensures a remarkable job, helping the small river beach of Seixal te be requalified and to stand out for its cleanliness. His spontaneous and altruistic service, dedicated to the common good, is an example of genuine devotion to the community. This work is a tribute to the citizen and his legacy that serves as an example to all.
Very grateful Ti João

Artwork by MAR-goncalomar1

This is the view when you stand right in front of it.

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I have found a few interesting articles about it, so you can have a read if you want to.

A work that draws attention to the altruism of Ti João, a man of the people tells a story behind the mural and has more information about João and the artist Gonçalo Mar.

And in these two you can see the process of making it:
Goncalo Mar-street art Ti Joao
This mural is a tribute to one of Seixal's best-known figures

And last one:
Ti Joao has died on 5th of September 2023, at age of 85

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Shot with OnePlus 7 pro
All photos and text are my own.

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