CCC's Street Art Contest #219//Victoria, the eternal walker (ENG-ESP)

Hello to all the community. Yesterday I was with a group of friends in a well-known corner of Guanabacoa, Cuba, called Pepe Antonio. Right in front of a building, they placed an old sculpture of the artist Lazaro Gonzales Moreno, better known by his nickname, Perri. I do not know the sculptor personally, but I have been told about him and his work. This particular work is entitled Victoria, the eternal walker and is inspired by a real woman.

Hola a toda la comunidad. Ayer estuve con un grupo de amigos en una esquina conocida de Guanabacoa, Cuba, que se llama Pepe Antonio. Justo delante de un edificio, colocaron una antigua escultura del artista Lázaro Gonzáles Moreno, más conocido por su apodo, Perri. No conozco personalmente al escultor, pero me han hablado de él y de su obra. Esta obra en particular se titula Victoria, la eterna caminante y está inspirada en una mujer real.

The sculpture was made many years ago and was exhibited in another place opposite to the present one. I don't know exactly on what date, but on September 21 of this year it was moved to the corner of Pepe Antonio, on Máximo Gómez Street. Apparently, Victoria was a woman who was not right in the head and liked to spend the day on the street walking and begging. The author took several photos of her during her lifetime and, through the images, gave life to the sculpture you see today.

La escultura se realizó hace muchos años y se expuso en otro lugar contrario al actual. No sé exactamente en qué fecha, pero el 21 de septiembre de este año la trasladaron a la esquina de Pepe Antonio, en la calle Máximo Gómez. Al parecer, Victoria era una mujer que no estaba bien de la cabeza y le gustaba pasarse el día en la calle caminando y mendigando. El autor tomó varias fotos de ella en vida y, por medio de las imágenes, le dio vida a la escultura que ven hoy.

Victoria holds an umbrella to protect herself from the sun and rain, as in life she was a woman who liked to spend the day walking. It is logical that she would want to enjoy herself without the annoying rays of the sun on her skin or walk around with soaked clothes if it rained.

Victoria sostiene una sombrilla para protegerse del sol y la lluvia, ya que en vida era una mujer a la que le gustaba pasarse el día caminando. Es lógico que quisiera disfrutar sin los molestos rayos del sol en su piel o andar con la ropa empapada si llovía.

The author felt a deep admiration for Victoria, to the point of making her his muse and immortalizing her in a sculpture. Many people are intrigued by the story behind this woman's life and why she was made into a sculpture. I have stated my point of view according to what I believe, but you can draw other conclusions.

El autor sentía una admiración profunda por Victoria, hasta el punto de convertirla en su musa e inmortalizarla en una escultura. A muchas personas les intriga la historia que hay detrás de la vida de esta mujer y por qué le hicieron una escultura. Te he expuesto mi punto de vista según lo que creo, pero tú puedes sacar otras conclusiones.

"Victoria, the eternal walker" may be a work in favor of freedom, strength and the essence of a woman. Around her is an intriguing and emotional narrative that makes everyone wonder who this woman was and what she did to leave a strong impression on the artist.

"Victoria, la eterna caminante" puede que se una obra a favor de la libertad, la fortaleza y la esencia de una mujer. Alrededor de ella hay una narrativa intrigante y emocional que hace que todo el mundo se pregunte quién fue esta mujer y qué hizo para dejar una fuerte impresión en el artista.

Translated with (free version).

All images were taken by me.

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