Summer Days at Tuling, Patag Opol Misamis Oriental's Secret AJ Resort

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Hey there, it's Sydney again! I'm here for another new blog of the year. So tune in. We are still on a summer break and we recently celebrated the birthday of my cousin's second child. It's my first time to enter this place and so far I like the ambiance.





Welcome to Tuling, Patag Opol Misamis Oriental, Philippines!

This place is not far from where I live. But I must tell you that its location is quite secluded to me. Now I know why it's called 'Secret AJ Resort' because you will not easily find it. Not to mention the bumpy roads and it's in the forested place. I have not been there before. This is not a huge kind of resort but I'm telling you the place is nice. The entrance fee for adults is 100 pesos only and in USD it is only almost $2. For the children, it is only 50 pesos/almost $1.



Life's fun when you spend it with your loved ones. I barely attend family gatherings due to business in my studies. But hey, I realized time is running and maybe I wouldn't be able to gather with them in the future anymore. Like what if I finally decided to find a life abroad? We are not at grasp of time and change is constant. My cousins are growing, someday they'll graduate, land a job, settle down, and won't be able to gather in occasions like this anymore. While we can, let us try to make memories with our family, relatives, and loved ones because life is uncertain. I know if you are in good company with them nothing can hinder you.



The pool is nice and what I really like about this gathering is that there are few families on that day. It's Wednesday therefore it's a working day for everyone. The place is crowded when it's the weekend. Luckily, majority of the younger people in our families are on a summer break so it became possible for us to gather in this place. Though we are still incomplete. I have one cousin who's working but she is able to leave early from the office. So, yeah it feels like renting a whole place!




It's giving a real tropical vibe. Well, I would say it's a good place for hosting wedding, birthdays, and any other social gatherings. The downside is they only have a few pools I guess one for adult and for the children and a mini-jacuzzi. I didn't see anything upon roaming around and as I tell you it's not a wide place. But not bad for people like us who live nearby and want to unwind sometimes haha.



The night view.
As much as I want to show the entire view of the pool, the image is poorly taken. So bear with these ones. I'm still trying to learn how to take good photos at, haha. I heard that they chose to celebrate in this swimming pool resort for the kids to enjoy.

Before ending this blog, I just want to share a little secret with you, my readers only. While we're on our way to leaving the place, I flip the door signage "Sorry, We are CLOSED" into "Come in, We are OPEN." Sometimes I do funny things and I expect you to keep it a secret. If ever you want to visit Tuling Misamis Oriental RJ resort, please don't tell anything about the signage. They have probably wondered a ghost did it.


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