My Best Trip Uphills Kenya, Ngong Hills || My Entry for the Redfish Rally, 2nd Week May, 2020 Tour Challenge.

So, after a long absence brought along by many factors blocking my consistency and other things, am finally here to take you on a tour up the hill in the outskirts of the capital city of Kenya, Nairobi. Actually the area is referred to as Nairobi metropolitan in as far as the lock-down stipulations by our government are considered - all pictures taken are from a previous visit and am sure you'll get amazed by my tiny captures.

To remind you, this is my entry to the REDFISH RALLY 100 TOUR CHALLENGE - WEEK 2 MAY 2020

Ngong Hills

Here to take for a tour, hike if you may call it. Am not promising you so much hype but trust me you'll love the place. As well, your return journey might be postponed specially if you are the type of shades + a book = comfort.


This might not be exactly the first sight when we starts off the journey but truly you'll love it from up there the point I clicked the device.
So alittle history about the area, for the fun to begin. Not fun really but just some few details to keep you at par.

The area is mostly inhabited by the Masai, a community best known for their go-well with tourists coming around East Africa where the group is manly found. The herding culture will give you the need to excuse their cattle along the treks (at times) as they are mostly grazed over the uncontrolled vast land which in a way falls under community land hence no fence within the whole region, but that doesn't means there's less security.

Enough of it, let's keep going

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Going up the hill these are some of the clear and captivating sightings of the land far beyond on either side of the hills with one area looking more of a semi desert at times specially when the dry season is alive. With a seasonal dam at a distance, the climb gets high on since given that the whole locations if more of a collections of a number of hills with some of them being higher than the others.

I said it for the book lovers, below is a an image of my reading sometimes back, the cool winds will whisper more words than the book itself but seeing we came here for a reason, may the journey continue.


And for some reasons, our trip immaturely comes to an end, sad bit but am gonna give you an extra dose of pictures and hopeful on recent times we'll finish the tour.



Many thanks to the @terminal fraternity for the awesome opportunity, for sure best things lies with our coming together to help each other. Wishing my fellow rallies all the best in this and other contests.

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