

GREAT DAY, MY FELLOW JOURNALISTS AND DAZZLING PERUSERS!! How are you? It's been a while since I posted my last blog. I missed you all. I've been exceptionally busy last few days due to our final exam. It was brain wrecking for goodness sake. I'm super happy that we're having our vacation—I can now have a lot of free time to share my explorations, experiences, ideas and lessons in my life.


Hello again guys! It's me, your storyteller of the day. As I mentioned earlier we had our final exam, which can almost take our final breath due to its very complex questions. My friends were exhausted from studying for 4 different subjects in a row . It was rougher than what we imagined. We promise each other that after this breathtaking exam, we will unwind.

Speaking of “unwind” my friends suggested that they would go to my hometown since I'm the only one who's living in the province.

They wanted to experience the life that I had conjointly to at long last grasp the fresh air that they had been yearning for ages.

Of course, I didn't hesitate to agree to their ideas, since the farm where my papa's works is harvesting chickens. I can cook them Lechon Manok and Fried chicken. They were excited about the idea that we had planned.

On the last day of our exam, they told me that they couldn't go because their parents wouldn't let them. I was also expecting that our plan would remain as a drawing and of course because of the long ride ahead.

However, later that night my friend told our GC that they were pranking me and they asked what ride they should take to get to our place. I immediately told them what bus they should ride and what route they should take.

Fast-forward we're now in our house. I'm preparing the ingredients for my lechon manok and fried chicken. I ask my friends to light up the coal but they don't know how.

They tried and tried but they just couldn't. So I exchanged our duties. I'm the one who lights up the charcoal fire and they're the one who's chopping the ingredients. My mom jokingly teases them that they're daughters of a rich family because they can't light up the coal. They laugh and laugh and fight for themselves.





After the preparation of the things that I'm gonna use they help me to roll over the lechon manok and deep fry the fried chicken.

It was so much fun that I almost peed in my pants. (jk) After an hour of waiting for the lechon manok to be cooked, we hurriedly ready the utensils and ate.

My friends suggested that we go to a beach so that they will enjoy their trip. They already have their swimsuits in their bags. I bet they're ready for it and they didn't tell me. (hahaha)

I was too stunned by their idea because we only had limited time left and they would get back to the City and the last trip for the bus was at 7 PM. Still, we clung to my friends’ idea — we went there but sadly the resort was closed because it was already 5 PM when we got there.

We were sad about the caretaker's information but gladly they asked us where we were from, my friends told them that they were from the City. Luckily the caretaker let us in. He told us that he would give us a chance to explore their resort for one hour.



We didn't wait any longer. We immediately paid for the entrance, took pics of the surroundings and took slayable photos of ourselves.

I fell in love with the place again. We used to hang out there with my Uncle, Titas and grandparents. The good memories are kinda aching my mended heart in remembering those wholesome moments together with them.

In our one hour of looking at the beautiful scenery, I noticed that it has a lot of improvements than it used to. It was more beautiful.

Our 20 pesos were worth it and I could see that my friends were enjoying the view. From its clean surroundings, cottages and spots. The place screams peace and solitude.

The fresh air and great scenery are a haven. The reverberating silence is calming my running contemplations in my head. The pounding heart of mine relaxed as it was reconnected to nature




The small amount of time that I had with this amazing beautiful hooman is worth a good memory that I will always cherish. Thanks to these new individuals who have pushed me to be better and to see wonderful things in me. The view and my companions are both wonderful!


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