A Day in the Town of Camprodon, Spain

Hello dear travelers. I will take you to a small Catalan town located at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains, very close to France. While it might not be a place where everyone would choose to live, I believe it is a place that should be visited at least once.

We arrived in the town by car. This town is called Camprodon. It is very close to France and right next to the Pyrenees mountains.

The most striking feature of this town is this bridge, called “new bridge” in Spanish. This bridge is actually hundreds of years old and is almost a thousand years old. According to the information plaque, the bridge known as Pont Nou, was built in 1315 and was severely damaged by an earthquake in 1428. It was destroyed during the Catalan civil war and was rebuilt with many modifications over the centuries. The entrance to the castle is called the Gate of Cerdanya because it was the final point of the royal road coming from the high Pyrenees heading towards the coast of Gerona. After visiting the bridge we continued to tour the town.

Camprodon is located approximately 1000 meters above sea level and has a population of around 2000 people. So, it has a very small population, but everything necessary for a comfortable life is available.There exist various amenities such as shops, restaurants, bars and social services. Like every town you can find information plaques filled with explanations of places to see. We were advised to discover 17 tourist spots. The bridge was marked as number 12.

We saw various types of cookies being sold in the markets and shops here. For example, marzipan piglets produced in this town are sold only here. As a local sweet with a marzipan flavor, I wanted to try these piglets.

Even a few steps ahead, we were constantly encountering interesting things. For example, there was a shop selling handmade products. The various bags, gloves, socks and toys sold here were all made from local wool. We explored local delicacies in different shops.

This town is really charming and it is possible to discover something at every corner. We continued to explore and I want to share the other beauties we encountered on our way with you.

When we got hungry we took a break at a restaurant. It was a wonderful restaurant. I really don’t know what to say. They are very generous with their wine offerings. They brought two large bottles of wine for three adults and we didn't leave a drop. The food was also very delicious. The portions were quite large and filling. Everything, including the first course, the second course and dessert, was excellent.

I also want to show you one of the old photos in the restaurant. In this photo you can see the famous bridge of the town and the river that used to overflow. Now such a situation no longer exists.

We left the restaurant, full and satisfied. Also the stove in this restaurant was really heating well. It was very warm, comfortable and cozy. The name of this wonderful restaurant is "Zas Nuria" and for 25 euros, they offer a main course, a second course, dessert and unlimited wine. I definitely recommend it.

We got off the train again into town, it was nearly 4:00 PM. We looked at the real estate agency here and checked out house prices. You can buy an apartment here for 140.000 euros.

The town is quite beautiful and you can find a wide variety of flavors in the local shops. For example, locally produced cakes and cookies are sold.

We came across a very charming building that turned out to be a pharmacy. This building is one of the tourist spots in the town. We learned more about its history from the information signs here. It is known as the "Nuns' Building" because it was purchased by Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1935. Designed by Josep Renom i Costa in 1912, this house was originally planned as two floors, with a third floor added later. Built in an eclectic style it is one of the most unique buildings in Camprodon.

As in any old town you can find a central church here. The town has grown around this church. Next to the church we saw a tree that was affected by a fire during the civil war in 1939.This tree still bears traces of the fire.

In towns like this you don't need a guide. By reading the signs you can learn about the town's history and important points. However professional guides can also provide you with detailed information. We were satisfied with what we read from the signs.

Unfortunately I had forgotten my power bank in the car and my battery was at 4%. The weather was cold and our breath was steaming. We had to wear our hats and gloves.

We left the impressive town of Camprodon with beautiful memories. I recommend visiting if you're nearby. Thanks for reading.

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