EuroVelo 7 - Krakow am See to Rostock 75 km

With all that's going on in the world right now I feel overwhelmed just like you, there is nothing we can control but our balance to make it sane one day at a time. As I've learned during bike touring, after each hill there is a valley and right now all humanity is struggling uphill and we'll eventually get to the top and overcome all this like others did before us, there is no other way than forward anyway. This could be a long struggle and we should be kind and supportive of each other now more than ever.

Now I would like to take your mind away from all the horrors of the war and show you some peaceful scenery that's out there for all of us to enjoy in a safe and environmentally friendly way plus you can also add it to your budget friendly summer vacation destination list this year.

Lake Krakower
Lake Krakower

Some mornings are not so glamorous and that's ok. I had a good rest in this camping and manage to charge my phone and remaining external battery to last me all the way to Rostock where I'll need to buy a new charger after the last one got stollen in the previous camping. 

After a rainy night here comes a cloudy morning
After a rainy night here comes a cloudy morning

15 EUR/night shower included
15 EUR/night shower included 

Was not in a rush to pack my wet tent this morning, instead I got myself some coffee and a nice breakfast while waiting for some sunshine to get me going.

This is all I need from a camping
This is all I need from a camping 

Before leaving Camping am Krakower See I thought I should take some more photos for you to have an ideea how a nice german camping looks like. Everything was good about this camping, kind english speaking receptionist, clean sanitary, beautiful location on shore of Lake Krakower, excellent breakfast, good price, I can only recommend it to all my fellow travellers transiting in the area.

Clean showers
Clean showers

Laundry is possible
Laundry is possible 

Now it's time to leave the camping and continue cycling north on EuroVelo 7 this afternoon to Rostock.

Not sure what this is
Not sure what this is

Therapeutic landscape
Therapeutic landscape

The green tunnel
The green tunnel

I arrived in Güstrow just in time for lunch. Luckily there was a music festival going on at that time so I naturally grabbed a wurst and a beer and enjoyed some live german music for a while.

This was an easy choice
This was an easy choice

Calories are not a problem while bike touring
Calories are not a problem while bike touring

Inselsee lake
Inselsee lake

Güstrow Palace 1558
Güstrow Palace 1558

There is a nice Rennaissance-era palace in Güstrow but unfortunately it was closed due to renovation. Only the external gardens were open for visitors and so I got to see all these beautiful flowers closer. These days it is used as a museum and cultural centre. Here I found a picture on the internet without scaffolding so we can have a better look at all that beautiful architecture this place has to offer.

Schloss Güstrow - Ansicht vom Torhaus aus (02-2).jpg
By <a href="//" title="User:Norbert Kaiser">Norbert Kaiser</a> - <span class="int-own-work" lang="en">Own work</span>, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

I didn't spent much time in Güstrow cause I still had a lot to cover to Rostock that day but I took my time to slowly cross the old town centre on my way out.


It’s going to rain in 5 min
It's going to rain in 5 min

Luckily I found a shelter soon and was only a short shower
Luckily I found a shelter soon and was only a short shower

Took off my rain gear but not for long
Took off my rain gear but not for long

Fellow bike tourists
Fellow bike tourists

I continued playing hide and seek with the rain for the remaining of the day.

Now that’s creative
Now that's creative

Judging by these wind turbines we must be getting closer to the sea.

First time I see one of these
First time I see one of these

Entering Rostock
Entering Rostock

Found this pension on Booking, centrally located which was perfect for a quick overnight stay in the city.

A clean room and a hot shower for about 50 EUR
A clean room and a hot shower for about 50 EUR

 Had a quick shower and went out for dinner. Since Rostock is a port city I feel like eating some seafood this evening, so I took my bike and went out to the docks searching for a good place to eat. On my way there I had the chance to take a quick look at the downtown architecture as well.

Eventually found that seafood restaurant with a bit of help from Google and since this was my first time in Rostock I decided to treat myself good.

Dessert was a must
Dessert was a must

Good night Rostock!
Good night Rostock!

Day 7 map
Day 7 map

Also as I said in the previous post I will donate those earnings to the Red Cross here in Romania for the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine which I did plus my own contribution.

Until next time,

Peace in the World!

All photos were taken with my iPhone 11 and Sony DSC-HX60V camera.

EuroVelo, the European Cycle Route Network are registered marks of ECF asbl.

I have no affiliation with EuroVelo or other organisations mentioned here, I am just a traveller sharing his views and opinions.

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