Transit combo solution back to Berlin

This last day of my 2021 bike tour on EuroVelo 7 from Berlin to Copenhagen was mostly a transit day on my way back to Berlin, with a bit of cycling in the morning, a ferry cross at noon and a train ride in the afternoon, a good mix of everything with a drop of nostalgia on top now that I was cycling parts of the route for the second time but on the opposite direction.

Nice weather this morning
Nice weather this morning

Being surrounded by water makes the weather in Denmark quite unsteady and the summers there are quite rainy. But after the rain that blue Danish sky always looks amazing and so felt breathing the morning clean and fresh air, a mixture of scents arising from those wet harvested wheat fields, wild flowers and other herbs all blended together by the salty sea winds...sweet.

A Danish souvenir
A Danish souvenir 

Last 3 km of cycling in Denmark...a dream come true.
Last 3 km of cycling in Denmark...a dream come true.

For a long time I was dreaming of cycling in this country and indeed they have great infrastructure and a beautiful country to explore where every cyclist will feel like home regardless of their country of origin.

Farewell Denmark! I’ll be back!
Farewell Denmark! I'll be back!

Breakfast the most important meal of the day
Breakfast the most important meal of the day

And a quick coffee in Rostock on my way to the train station
And a quick coffee in Rostock on my way to the train station

There are local trains going from Rostock to Berlin at a two hour interval and was no problem finding a place for me and my bike that Sunday afternoon. As you can see the the velo culture is part of the German lifestyle so all of their public transport infrastructure is designed with the cyclists in mind. Half of this train car can be used to carry bikes onboard which seems like a lot but there are days when even this is not enough, like today :)

Leaving from Rostock with plenty of space to spare
 Leaving from Rostock with plenty of space to spare

One and a half hours later...
One and a half hours later...

I think the train got so crowded towards the second half of the trip to Berlin because it was on a Sunday afternoon and many people went for a ride in the countryside outside of the busy capital for some fresh air and relaxation, probably exploring the Mecklenburg Lake District and the Müritz National Park and the hundreds of lakes, like I did on my way in and now they were returning back home.

Day 14 map: Bruserup Strand Nature Camp to Berlin
Day 14 map: Bruserup Strand Nature Camp to Berlin

Being the last post of this 2021 bike touring trip from Berlin to Copenhagen I would like to conclude with some stats and recommendations from my experience:

  • duration: 2 weeks, relaxed ride

  • distance&terrain: 650 km, mostly flat

  • scenery: canals, lakes, wetlands, forests, sea, beaches

  • infrastructure: developed route with good signalling

  • safety: safe, dedicated bike lane with occasional secondary roads sharing

  • favorite day: D4

  • favorite accommodation: Møn Camping , D10

  • total budget 1400 EUR (plane tickets, trains, metro, ferries, bike rent, food, accommodation, museums for two weeks on the road cycling in Western Europe)

  • overall satisfaction with this route: beautiful route, happy days :)

  • recommendations: easy, all ages, good for families with kids.

That's all folks, thank you for all your support so far and I hope this trip or any other I wrote about here to inspire you to go out there in the nature and live your own bike touring adventure on the amazing EuroVelo network and I'll love to hear impressions from you afterwards. See you soon, this time we'll switch directions from North to South and go for a ride to Italy, also on EuroVelo 7. Mamma mia here we come!

Until next time,

©Discover EuroVelo

All photos were taken with my iPhone 11 and Sony DSC-HX60V camera.

EuroVelo, the European Cycle Route Network are registered marks of ECF asbl.

I have no affiliation with EuroVelo or other organisations mentioned here, I am just a traveller sharing his bike touring trips, views and opinions.

EuroVelo is a network of 17 long distance cycle routes connecting and uniting the whole European continent totaling over 90,000 km of cycling itineraries.

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