Hike to Šmarna Gora

Hi guys,

Last weekend we stayed in Ljubljana and went in the city for a walk on Saturday, on Sunday we decided to go to Šmarna Gora, also known as Mount Saint Mary in English.


My sports watch says that ascent was 330 meters and we needed 50 minutes with few stops as our toddler was with us in a backpack and he was constantly trowing his hat to the floor. OK, I will admit it was also my pleasure to stop and catch a breath. Our condition is not the best and it is very different to hike or to run for example. My average heart rate was 140 bpm, while at running I have at least 160 bpm, but I was sweating more when I was hiking. It might be that also almost 15 kg toddler was a reason why my legs were hurting that much and I was sweating that much as well. That was second time that he was in the backpack carrier, so my body has to adapt, but most importantly the little one liked it and wasn't complaining at all.

On Sunday there were some showers and one caught us just as we arrived to the top. It was great reason to sit inside and have a meal as well. The little one had some vegetables soup, while me and my wife had strudel, me apple, she cherry. We all enjoyed and in the meantime clouds were not that dark anymore, so the rain stopped. We went down to end this beautiful hike we had. We hurried a bit down in order not to be wet if the rain would start again, so 30 minutes was the time spent for descent.

Photography are not at its best and there are not manny of them as rain was chasing us and there was no time to take photos.

This is how the trail looks like

First view

When you get to this open place, you have only one climb left

This is my favorite part

Clouds announcing the rain

Food stop is a must :)

Have a great day dear hivean friends!

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