Splinterlands Land Progress #30


Alright, so there has been a pretty long wait. Till now, I am still hoping for the Land to be released. There seems to be tons of negative sentiments later on Splinterlands, with changes that does not benefit small players. A worrying issue as if less people play this, then the project might just... Well, let us not get to there.


Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 3.09.27 PM.png

Current Price: $159.02
Current Hive: $47
Progress (%): 29.55%

So whats up with me and Lands? In case this topic has been buried, time to excavate it once again. There are many interesting facts about Land, and perhaps every week I shall share one interesting fact as I showcase my progress.

It Is Going To Change Gameplay



Now to me, this is the really exciting one. The lands, are crazily split into many different segments, and it seems so cool!!!

Plots - A Plot is the basic unit of Splinterlands land. In all of Praetoria, a total of only 150,000 plots will be sold to players. These plots do not make up the entirety of the continent, but only the player-owned portions. There will also be a mix of non-player-owned land that is controlled by the game.

Tracts - A Tract Claim is a unit of 100 total Plots. Every Tract is guaranteed to contain 1 Plot with a Keep.

Regions - A Region Claim is a unit of 1000 Plots. Every Region is guaranteed to contain 1 Plot with a Castle and 9 Plots with Keeps.

Now these are for the whales. But for erm... peasants like me, I am more interested in this, 1 Plot!


Plots are the smallest unit of land. The purpose of owning a plot of land is to build
a building on it, which will cost resources to build, upgrade and maintain. There are distances between plots/tracts/regions. Because of this resources have to be transported, which costs time and resources.

All plots have 3 different properties, which will define what can be done on them and how. These are Type, Category and Rarity.


FYI these are not just random names that they come up with! These are actually matched in accordance to their Splinters! So for instance, a water splinter will be matched to River, and a Death Splinter matched to Swamp! Can you see the amount of considerations that is put into this? Even the name is so insanely exciting!!!

There will be monsters and summoners attached to the land! So, I believe what kind of land you have, will be closely related to the type of monsters you will need for the type of land you have!

This is but a mere fraction of land brings. If you are interested to know more, feel free to join me in this journey to accumulate 1 plot of land.

And with that, this is my journey thus far

Progress (%): 29.55%

@splinterlands is such a fantastic and awesome game and once you join then you experience the real gaming fun. Join it through my affiliate link, I am sharing it below-


Thank you so much
(Photos and gif I used in this post are taken from splinterlands.com for this post purpose only)

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