[Splinterlands] [PT-BR] Análise: Summoner Lily Shieldpaw

[ENG] Review: Summoner Lily Shieldpaw

Hello everyone!

This is a video in Portuguese in which I'll review the new Dragon Splinter Summoner, Lily Shieldpaw! This very powerful card is here to change the whole Splinterlands meta-game, and everyone needs to have this card (or, at least, prepare to fight against it!)

It is crystal clear that Lily Shieldpaw came to the game to be an economical and more modern replacement for Byzantine Kitty: an extremely powerful Summoner from the Dragon Splinter, with high Mana cost, and packed with defensive abilities.

Her Camouflage ability makes all of your opponent's attack focus on your tank, so you can build a strong strategy around the idea of keeping your tank alive (with Tank Heal, Repair and other shenanigans) while the rest of your team destroys the enemy backline!

Thanks for watching and reading, and until the next video!

[PT-BR] Análise: Summoner Lily Shieldpaw

Fala galera, beleza?

Nesse vídeo, vou analisar a nova Summoner do Splinter de Dragão Lily Shieldpaw! Essa poderosíssima carta veio para mudar o metagame do Splinterlands, e todo mundo precisa ter essa carta (ou, pelo menos, se preparar para lutar contra ela!)

É evidente que a Lily Shieldpaw veio para o jogo para ser uma substituta econômica e mais moderna da Byzantine Kitty: uma Summoner extremamente poderosa, do Splinter de Dragão, com alto custo de mana, e abarrotada de habilidades defensivas.

Sua habilidade Camouflage faz com que todo o ataque do adversário se concentre no seu tank primário; dessa forma, você consegue construir uma estratégia toda baseada na ideia de manter seu tank vivo enquanto o resto do seu time destrói as linhas inimigas!

Valeu galera, e até o próximo vídeo!

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Unless stated otherwise, all images are created and owned by me, or from the game depicted on this post.
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