On this week's episode of the splinterlands social media challenge, I would love to talk about my 21 win streak which took me from the bronze league to the Diamond league. It's my first time playing wild knowing what I'm doing. Yeah there was a time I knew very little but I played anyway and it wasn't easy then. It's not as though it's easy now, but I'm getting a hang of it. This season I've played over 100 games in both the wild and modern league, but this season I've had more success in the wild league so far with 121 wins in 162 battles and 66 wins in 120 battles for the modern league. I don't know why the modern league seems kinda hard for me, I mean the players in that league are just too serious to let me win😂.

Back to business, having played a lot of games this season it's quite hard to pick my favorite, but I will pick still and this time it will be from the wild league. I noticed the card difference in the wild league and damn, why haven't I been playing in that league ever since. I guess I didn't know much then hehe… But now I know better, I will play better. I wrote last week about how excited I was to play my own cards at the beginning of the season. Especially the gladiator cards with bloodshot abilities. Even at level one these cards are still very dangerous, I can only imagine how dangerous they will be at max level. Hehe I would do much love to see that. But for the main time, I would continue playing with what I have, until I upgrade my cards little by little.


This season I decided to stick mostly with my neutral summoner Lux Vega because of the advantages it gives my monsters which includes extra shield, speed and life. These abilities gave me so much advantage facing most of my opponents better than the summoners from direct elements. I've also focused mainly on the water and life elements, on some occasions I use the earth elements because of their magic monsters, but my unique fighting strategy suits the water and life elements in most cases. But one time I decided to try out the death element and I lost the first time but tried it out again before winning the second time. The time I won was in a Brawl fighting for my guild (WEEKEND WARRIORS).


I was fighting in the enemy arena and knew I had to put my best given that my opponent had the home advantage. For this battle, all summoners had the blast ability so I started my monster selection with the death monster Djinn Muirat because of void armor. I figured it would be nice if magic attacks hit the armor before affecting health. And then for another reason that this monster has the magic reflection ability would make it more dangerous in the first position. I really hope my opponent will use magic cards and throw magic at it. Then I used Ligionnaire Alvar because of its void amor too. My plan was majorly to protect my first monsters from magic attacks as best as I could.

I put Crypt Beetle in third position for no reason other than the fact that I wanted Silent Sha-Vi to be in the fourth position. I usually feel it attacks better from either fourth or fifth position for its sneak and cripple ability. I wanted to hurt my opponent really badly, so I thought a poison would do the trick which made Soul Strangler fit to do just that and since they all have blast ability, well that would be double poison if I am lucky. Lira The Dark was always my option for the last position because of the opportunity ability. The snare ability would also cripple all flying monsters in case my opponent had other thoughts and that was how I set up my monsters for battle. If you want to know how the battle went, you can watch it here


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