Another day of gains in Hashkings, buying assets in dCITY and waiting for the Hive to rise again

Before everyone runs away thinking that the Hive is going down again, know that this print was taken during the night, but the big question is: will we have another big rise in price today?

That's the million dollar question today, but let's get to the part where I show my progress/earnings in Hashkings and dCity.


The gains in Hashkings today were similar to yesterday as the rarity of the BOSS I faced was equal to x2, but this is common and happens and BOSSES x5 appear a few times during the week if you were lucky and if an x10 comes up then celebrate with a pizza.

My avatars that I send to raids are still the same but I'll leave the calculations about him and how to calculate his power just below.

Its power for Raids is and to calculate this value just use the formula: (Exp*Power Base) / 100.

In total there are 5 raids currently in Hashkings that are level 0~25, 26~50, 51~75, 76~100 and 100~??.

The current raid for my avatar is 26~50 but you already know that and below I will leave my earnings for today:


EXP Token:


FT Token:

All of them can be found to buy or sell on the Hive Engine


In the game Dcity I'm still a little lost on what I should do but I'm collecting information from posts I find and I believe that little by little I will learn how the game works, so for now I don't have much to say and I'm buying some cards in the market to start building my city and who knows in the future to be in a good position in the rank to receive some good prizes, for now I'm just getting a small amount of SIM daily.

The cards I bought today for my city were a Hospital and some Workes.

If you have some tips about Dcity and want to leave it in the comment, I'd appreciate it.

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