Weekly Battle Challenge : Tenyii Striker


This week's battle challenge involves the Tenyii Striker! The Tenyii Striker is a Fire splinter Melee monster that is an excellent card due to it's low mana cost and sneak ability. This card is especially strong in Silver Leagues and below.

Tenyii Striker Highlights


The Tenyii Striker is a must have card at the lower levels. It starts out with a great combination of power and health for a relatively low mana cost. Throw in the Sneak ability along with Tarsa this is a monster in lower levels!

Being a Chaos Legion Common card, it is very affordable to buy/rent so you will see this card often.

IconAbility NameDescription
image.pngSneakTargets the last Monster on the enemy Team instead of the first Monster
image.pngDodgeHas an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks (+25% Dodge vs melee/ranged)
ability_backfire.pngBackfireIf an enemy misses this Monster with an attack, the attacker takes 2 damage

At Bronze league, the Tenyii Striker can destroy the backline of an opponent and gets even back as you level him up. In Silver, you gain an additional attack as well as the Dodge ability which can be extremely useful if you want to use Tenyii as a Sneak defender or even a tank!

At max levels you gain Backfire which pairs nicely with Dodge to create a one man wrecking ball.

So when do I use the Tenyii Striker?


  • Sneak can be used nearly anytime. It's best to have 2 Sneak attackers if possible because a backline unit with Armor will take a few turns to get through. Multiple "bait" monsters can be placed in the back to thwart a single Sneak attacker.
  • Rulesets that encourage other types of attacks can be overridden by Sneak. You can be "sneaky" and attack the opponent where they aren't expecting it.
  • When you suspect that the enemy will be bolstering their frontline with a ton of support monsters.

This Week's Featured Battle


In this week's featured battle, we have an Alric Summoner versus Tarsa in poison battle!

Battle Ruleset


image.pngNoxious FumesAll Monsters start the battle Poisoned
image.pngLost LegendariesLegendary Monsters may not be used in battles
image.png24 ManaThis is considered a medium mana battle
image.pngActive SplintersAll splinters except Life are available


  • Noxious Fumes
    • Try to use monsters with immunity and PROTECT them
    • Self healing monsters can also be great assets, especially if they can attack from the backline
    • Depending on the mana, you may be able to simply outlast your opponent without much work on your end
    • Prioritize high health cards
  • Lost Legendaries
    • No strategy tips here except you need to think about what you and your opponent no longer have available
  • 24 Mana
    • This is a medium Mana battle so expect to see a full lineup of monsters

With Noxious Fumes, you want to prioritize a monster with Immunity is possible. The other strategy is to place a healing monster up front with Cleanse in the back somewhere. To me, this strategy works best IF you have enough mana to fit in a monster with Taunt.

At 24 mana, I think the best option is to use Tarsa with The Forgotten One.

Because of this, I also want a Sneak attacker. Many people like to place their Forgotten One in the back where it can stay fresh and ready for battle until all of the other monsters have succumbed to Poison so I want to use Sneak to try and break down their Armor.

The Lineup

PositionCard ImageCard NameNotes
SummonerTarsaChaos Legion Fire summoner that grants a +1 Melee and +1 Health buff to friendly monsters
Pos 1 (tank)Tusk The WideBig, beefy tank with lots of health. Void is also great in case my opponent uses a Magic attacker
Pos 2 (secondary tank/attacker)Tenyii StrikerI want to target the backline but I also want to use it as a secondary tank to keep my Forgotten One fresh
Pos 3 (attacker)Forgotten OneEven at Level 1 this card is extremely useful in Noxious Fumes battles
Pos 4 (bait)Furious Chicken0 Mana, non attacking card that is purely used to absorb a potential Sneak attack

Let's Battle!

Part 1 - Full Battle Link : https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_3f73e7440ccbb8019d54772bc6d712ce

Part 2 - Full Battle Link : https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_3f73e7440ccbb8019d54772bc6d712ce

  • My opponent went with the Healing/Cleanse tactic which is VERY strong. It is one of my other favorite strategies for Poison Rulesets
  • My Sneak didn't really do much but when Tenyii got to the front, he got a clutch Dodge and landed a HUGE hit on my opponent's Sea Monster
  • Another tactic that is used is to essentially fatigue your opponent to death with is what my opponent tried to go for with the Gelatinous Cube. Luckily for me, my Forgotten One was able to do just enough damage to pull out the win!

Did it work?

Yes! I was able to take out all of my opponent's damage dealing monsters and the Immunity of my Forgotten One kept me alive for the win.


I analyzed the battle with Splintertools and was given a 24% chance of winning the battle. That is very low but can be attributed to the Dodge ability of my Tenyii Striker!

Final Thoughts

The Tenyii Striker is an excellent card at every level. At $0.59/BCX, it is a little pricey but that is because of how useful it is! Be sure to get as many as you need before it gets too expensive to level up!

Thanks for reading! I hoped you enjoyed it!

Referral link : https://splinterlands.com?ref=at.bui89

If you decide to use my referral link, I'll happily send you a few cards to help you get started!

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