Weekly Battle Challenge : Mycelic Slipspawn


This week's battle challenge features the Mycelic Slipspawn! The Mycelic Slipspawn is an Earth splinter Magic monster that is an excellent card due to it's high health and Taunt ability.

Mycelic Slipspawn Highlights


The Mycelic Slipspawn is a great card to own, even at level 1. It has a great amount of health and is paired nicely with the Taunt ability. Additionally, it can do Magic damage so you can place this card anywhere in your line-up and it can still attack.

IconAbility NameDescription
ability_taunt.pngTauntAll enemy Monsters target this Monster (if they are able to)
ability_forcefield.pngForcefieldThis Monster takes only 1 damage from attacks with power 5+
image.pngSlowReduces the Speed of all enemy Monsters

From level 1, Taunt is available. In Silver League (Level 4), Forcefield is added which is excellent in high mana battles. At Max Level, the Slow ability can be used which is always a great ability (except in Reverse Speed Rulesets).

So when do I use the Mycelic Slipspawn?


  • The main use for the Mycelic Slipspawn is to take advantage of the Taunt ability
  • Taunt can be used to help protect your lower health monsters by redirecting the enemy attacks (not affected by Scattershot)
  • Taunt can also be used to "spread" out damage between your frontline tank and the Mycelic Slipspawn
  • It can also be used as a tank especially if you have a healer behind it
  • The best spots are usually position 1 or position 6. Tank Heal and Triage are awesome abilities to pair with this monster
  • Position 2 can also be a good spot but be aware that Blast damage can really cause some issues

This Week's Featured Battle


In this week's featured battle, we have Kelya Frendul versus Obsidian in a Rise of the Commons Bronze Tournament battle!

Battle Ruleset


image.pngRise of the CommonsOnly Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles
image.png32 ManaThis is considered a medium mana battle
image.pngActive SplintersAll splinters are available


  • Rise of the Commons
    • No real strategy here except you need to keep in mind monsters that aren't available
    • For example, the Earth monsters generally won't have Armor since Queen Mycelia can't be used
    • Another thing is that there won't be any Void or Void Armor
  • 32 Mana
    • This is a medium Mana battle so expect to see a full lineup of monsters, possibly with Support Cards (Tank Heal/Repair)

Being a Chaos Legion only Tournament with NO Legendary Summoners and Rise of the Commons Ruleset, you are VERY limited on what you can play here.

My first thoughts are that No Dragons are available (No Legendary Summoners) and Life most likely won't be used (no good tanks).

This leaves Fire, Water, Earth, and Death. Death is fairly limited in Bronze leagues except in very low mana battles so it isn't likely to be used. This leaves Fire, Water, and Earth.

Fire can also be thrown out (in my opinion) since it's primarily a Melee deck and Kelya will wreck Tarsa, especially with Rise of the Commons.

With Earth and Water left, I gave the edge to Magic since Magic can attack from anywhere in the lineup. The Water monsters that you're left with are strong but they're all melee so it's easy to nerf them with the Disintegrator.

By nerfing the Water lineup, I felt that using my Slipspawn as a tank was the best use since I could heal it. However, since Earth is a bit slower than Water, I placed the Mycelic Morphoid in the 1 position to absorb some hits to help preserve my Mycelic Slipspawn.

The Lineup

PositionCard ImageCard NameNotes
SummonerObsidianRare Earth summoner that grants a +1 Magic buff to the friendly monsters
Pos 1 (tank/meatshield)Mycelic MorphoidCheap tank/meat shield with the thorns ability. Great for removing some Armor
Pos 2 (secondary tank/attacker)Mycelic SlipspawnOnce the Morphoid dies, this will become the Tank and the Goblin Psychic will be able to heal it
Pos 3 (support)DisintegratorBronze level monsters are generally weak and the Disintegrator can make all the difference
Pos 4 (attacker/support)Goblin PsychicExcellent cant with great damage and Tank heal ability. Very slow though
Pos 5 (attacker)Regal PerytonOne of the best cards in Bronze league. I placed it here just in case my opponent went with Death/Fire and used a Sneak attacker

Let's Battle!

Full Battle Link : https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sm_P8szv1FpMaPJF3b8n3RX&ref=atbui89

  • My opponent went with Kelya which is a strong choice
  • As you can see, nerfing their damage output with the Disintegrator and spreading out their damage between the Morphoid and the Slipspawn gave me the edge
  • They weren't able to kill my Slipspawn since I was healing it. The Mycelic Morphoid was critical in making this work out since it absorbed 3 damage that definitely would've killed my Slipspawn

Did it work?

Yes! Nerfing their melee damage was huge and allowed me to stay alive.


I analyzed the battle with Splintertools and was given a 100% chance of winning the battle. That is always great to see!

Final Thoughts

The Myelic Slipspawn is an excellent card at every level. Taunt is a really cool ability that can make all the difference. At $0.30/BCX, it is affordable and should be owned and leveled up by everyone!

Thanks for reading! I hoped you enjoyed it!

Referral link : https://splinterlands.com?ref=at.bui89

If you decide to use my referral link, I'll happily send you a few cards to help you get started!

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