The Tunisian traditional dress

Hi nice community ! Im very glad to participate with you again in this nice community.😍


Photo provided by my mobile( during a ceremny in London 2019)

Why am i writing ?

Im writing today to speak about the nice taditional dress in Tunisia.Look at my photo above ! Do you like it ? Do you find my dress wonderful? Im sure you do !

The national costume and traditional crafts are not forgotten in Tunisia even in 21 century. A lot of people still use traditional garments or separate pieces of a folk outfit in day-to-day life.
Nevertheless, Tunisians love their traditional costumes and are proud of their national heritage. They usually wear traditional clothing for ceremonies, weddings, religious events and national holidays.160442900_3891000797623187_5533498853545541212_n.jpg

Photo taken from the net.

Tunisian men wear simple trousers and shirts in day-to-day life. Sometimes they add a woolen tunic with long sleeves. In winter, they use a heavy wool cloak called "burnoose"
The main part of the male ceremonial dress in Tunisia is called "jebba". This garment is always used for special occasions in the rural areas. Jebba is a long sleeveless tunic worn over a shirt, vest (called "farmla") and baggy trousers.
Jebba is also the oldest and more important heritage of tunisian clothing. The making of the famous tunisian jebba is orchestrated by craftswomen and craftsmen who cut, sewe, embroider with unique methods of each region.

Photo provided by my mobile during a wedding ceremony in El KEF

Tunisian women have much more variants of traditional clothing than Tunisian men do. Despite the fact that young females often prefer Western-style attire to traditional costumes, a lot of Tunisian women still wear national clothing in day-to-day life

Photo of the traditional dress in Gabes taken from the Net

Another headdress worn in Tunisia is a chechia. This flat-surfaced cap is one of the symbols of Tunisia. Today many people in this country consider chechia old-fashioned, but a lot of Tunisians still wear it and think that it should be back into fashion again. This headgear has too long and rich history to be just forgotten. Classical chechia is made of red felt, but these days there are many variations in color, fabric, and decorations just like the one im wearning in my photo above .It's very authentic and steeped in history.Isn't it ?
Made of flax, silk or whool, tunisian jebba is a key element of tunisian traditional men suit. This clothes which covers all the body, except forearms and calfs, is very famous in the country. Large, cheerfully full of embroidery, jebba still seduces people and is, by the way, the most common form of tunisian traditional suit.

Photo taken from the Net

Every year,on 15 March,Tunisians from all regions celebrate their heritage by wearing stunning traditional costumes.
It's the National Day of Traditional Dress and Crafts

Photo provided by the Net

In a word >I like things to be modern and still have a bit of tradition ...I belive in history >
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