Hi again ! It's me šŸ˜

Hello Hivieans ! It's fantastic to participate with you again in this nice community.!
Photo taken from my mobile

Why am I writing ?

Today im going to share with you a nice afternoon i have had yesterday and spread many positive vibes among you .
I went for nice walk along the sea edge in Bizerte.It was a cool and breezy afternoon : Many fluffy clouds dotted the azur blue sky as the sun beamed beatifically casting a golden glow upon the earth. What a wonferful landscape!

Photo taken by me

The benefits of walking outside

By taking a walk in nature, you can shore up your bones,brighten your mood, fell less stressed , strengthen your muscles and why not loose weight ..That's not the case with me šŸ˜‚
Look at my tasty tea filled with dried fruits ( almond and nuts)
Photo taken from my mobile

Walking anywhere outdoors is good for you...It's a chance to get your heart pumping

Hope to be able to contribute positively to the evolution of this community through my future posts .
Encourage me !!!!!

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