My First Presentation

Hello hivieans, I am very happy to be a member in the Hive community😍😍

Who Am I ?

my name is mouhamed khlifi, i am 28 years old, i live in tunisia exactly in jerba , I’m a civil engineer , i obtained my degree from Beja technological institute in 2017 and i'm now working as a manager in a construction society !13411631_10205821111038060_6748948726657665436_o.jpg

What are my best activies?

  • cooking

i m fond of cooking and trying some new dishes. it's a pleasure when i'm in the kitchen, listenning to music and enjoying preparing the food. so add to my work i'm thinking to have my own buisness and to have a restaurant. so i can show people my
skills in cooking218239801_405833860817803_692350219999163276_n.jpg

  • summer lover

imagine the world how will if there is no summer and beach chilling . personally i can't live without summer and enjoying the sun's vitamines56892258_2328770667449206_1598699677836902400_n.jpg

  • camping

camping is a way to escape routines and anxiety. enjoying the stars and the moon with your friends in nature is something i think we must all experience it at leas one's in life ..

why am i here

i'm here to explore and to be actif in an amazing place like that
so i hope you accept me in this community

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