My introduction on Hive

Hi hivieans, I am very pleased to be among the Hive community . And special thanks to Mr @mondhero and Mrs @hadilfaidi for inviting me to this new world.

Who Am I ?

My name is Amine Abouda, and I’m a civil engineer from Tunisia and currently, I'm pursuing my master’s degree in (ETS) Ecole de Technologie Supérieure in Montreal, Canada.


Source : My phone

My passions

  • Traveling

I have always liked to travel, since my earliest childhood, to discover new places, other cultures, other ways of life, other horizons. Then came adulthood where you no longer travel with your parents, where I started to choose my destinations, to do things my way. My excellent academic qualities are revealed by my selection for a prestigious scholarship (Thomas Jefferson Scholarship Program) to pursue an academic year at Murray State University (MSU), USA. I accepted the scholarship and made the decision to postpone my final year at ENIT (National Engineering School of Tunis) in order to gain international experience.


Thomas Jefferson Participants 2018


Source : My phone


Source : My phone

  • Rowing

Within my abroad experience, I found a new passion ROWING . In Tunisia I hadn't the chance to try it so I joined the university team and I participated in several competitions and won medals.



Source : My phone

Why Am here ?

I joined this community to explore the decentralized systems and the tools of web3 .
I hope you accept me here as a newbie eager to learn .

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