My presentation

Hi everyone, I am very motivated and happy to introduce myself to hive ecosystem communities. ! ๐Ÿ˜Ž !

Who am I โ€ฆ?
My name is Abla. I'm a primary school teacher and i've been teaching for seven years.I live in Tunisia.
I like new technologies and iโ€™m always trying to develop and apply the skills I need to enhance my career.

My job
I love teaching because I learn so much from my pupils. Apart from giving me feedback on my teaching techniques, my pupils and I enjoy exchanging informations about our culture, traditions and customs.
I enjoy providing my pupils with new methods of remembering certain grammatical/vocabulary rules and patterns which they find useful.
The gratitude they show makes my job ever so rewarding and worthwhile.๐Ÿงก

My passions
My hobbies include watching movies, listening to music and reading as it challenges my perspective and allows me to experience multiple realities.

I love travelling as well because it gives me the chance to do things i have never done before, meet new people, eat different kinds of food and experience different cultures. ยซ I feel the most 'alive' when I am exploring ยป

  • Malaysia, Kuala Lampur

  • James Bond Island Thailand

  • Phuket, Thailand

  • Amsterdam

Right, so why am I here exactly ?
I am here simply because the decentralized systems and the tools of Web3 sound interesting to me so iโ€™d love to learn more and of course share my passions with you . ๐Ÿ˜

Hope you liked my brief presentation and expect you to encourage me with your votes and comments.๐Ÿค—

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