[](Covered by the MobBoss)
I could hear the beeping of heart monitors, a far away sound of that ever-present wall paper sound of hospitals. Was I in a hospital? Why? I was enshrouded in darkness. It was so thick I couldn’t see; all I could hear was that beeping. Where was it coming from? I feel trapped in this endless darkness. I wish it would go away. I’m scared. I could hear muffled voices. I can’t make out what they’re saying. They sound so far away and then there was the damn beeping again. Was it Greg? Was he angry with me? I knew I would be beaten. I started trembling uncontrollably imagining the blows I would receive. The beeping and voices got farther and farther away as my entire consciousness was shrouded in darkness once again.

His eyes were piercing and black as they bore into mine. I tried to look away but I couldn’t stop staring into his eyes. His face was set in a grim serious expression as he stared into my eyes. I wish he would hold me. I’ve never been held by a man before, but he looked angry and sad at the same time. I felt drawn to him, I wanted to comfort him but I was so scared because this was not Greg and what would Greg do to me if I let another man touch me?

I opened my eyes and closed them again as the sunlight bombarded my pupils. I slowly opened them again. Wait? Did I sleep late? Shit Greg is gonna kill me! My eyes flew open as I tried to swing my legs out the bed but they felt heavy and a sharp pain lanced through my body. I became alarmed and turned my head to look around the room. I was in a hospital. Why? My brows furrowed. I saw him. He was sitting in a corner of the room dressed in black jeans and black t-shirt, his hands on his knees and his head hung low. I was about to ask myself why and then I remembered that night. Ms. Munroe! I started to hyperventilate and the heart monitor started going haywire. He heard the sound and looked up alarmed. Before I could put into words my thoughts a team of nurses and doctors rushed into the room.

“Hi I’m Dr. Keane.” One doctor said as she shined a small penlight into my eye. While another started listening to my heart with her stethoscope.

“Do you know where you are?” She continued as she went to my next eye.

“Hospital,” I whispered. My throat was parched, my body ached all over and I was still breathing heavily thinking about what happened that night. The MobBoss hovered over the doctor and nurses and I felt like I wanted to shrink into the mattress. I failed the mission before I even tried. Now I had no where to go or no one to help me. Why did I live? I was going to die anyway. Tears sprung to my eyes.

“Welcome back Joanna. You had a close call there, but you’re a real fighter.” The doctor smiled at me kindly. Her long her was pulled back in a ponytail. One nurse fitted me with a nasal cannula, a small tube with two prongs that were placed into my nostrils to administer oxygen. I closed my eyes and the tears ran down the sides of my face.

She moved the covers from my feet and touched the soles of both my feet with her pen. “Can you feel that?” I nodded in response.

“Ok now wiggle your toes.” I did as she asked and she smiled with relief.

“Where does it hurt? Can you tell me?” The doctor asked, concern etched on her face.

“Sore...everywhere” I whispered. My eyes were still closed and the tears continued to pour.

“You poor thing. Look how tiny you are. The pain meds from your iv will kick in soon. I still don’t know how you survived, but I’m really happy you did. A nurse will clean you up and we’ll move you out of the ICU. I’ll be back to check on you later.” She touched my hand and when I opened my eyes she and her team were walking out the door.

My eyes made contact with his and I closed them again, I didn’t want him to see me like this. Why was he even here? Did he want to make sure I didn’t talk? What was there to say really? I’m not even sure what happened myself. I just know I’m here in a hospital bed God knows where, in a whole lot of pain and being told that I almost died. But I needed to know about Ms. Munroe.

“Ms. Munroe...” I whispered, my eyes still closed. Leaving the sentence to hang I was expecting to hear the worse.

“She’s fine. She wasn’t hurt. I had to make her leave Jamaica, her life is in danger; but she hasn’t left this room since you’ve been in here.” I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding until I heard those words. His voice was so smooth it spread over me like caramel on ice cream. The fact that I survived the ordeal did not bring me as much relief as knowing Ms. Munroe was unscathed.

“Will you look at me, please?” He asked in that smooth baritone with the Italian accent. He spoke softly.

I reluctantly opened my eyes that still had tears running. My hands felt heavy. I was weak physically and emotionally. I couldn’t lift my own hand to wipe my own tears. This is what I’ve been reduced to.

“I’m sorry I failed. I don’t know what will happen to me now...” Before I could go any further there was a knock on the door and Shelly’s head popped in she was wearing a bright smile; but when she looked from me to the MobBoss her smile disappeared.

“Sorry boss, I’ll come back later.” She disappeared closing the door softly.

“Listen Joanna, what you did was the stupidest thing anyone could ever do, but thank you. Thank you from my heart” He spoke so softly it was almost as if he could barely get the words out.

“You’re angry...” I didn’t know what else to do but state the obvious. I was having conflicting emotions, I wanted to hold him to relieve some of that burden I could see he carried, but I also wanted to die or disappear. I felt like this was somehow my fault.

He squatted at the side of my bed and did the most unexpected thing, he took my small hand between both of his, closed his eyes and brought it to his cheek. It was so unexpected, I let out a small gasp but I didn’t resist because it felt so good to feel warmth from another human being. My tears turned into full blown sobs from that simple human contact. Life has been so hard for me, another person would not imagine. His beard felt warm and soft against my palm. I wanted him to hold me. I forgot who and what he was, in that moment he was a sexy man that I was very attracted to despite the circumstances.

“I don’t know why I’m still alive. I can’t even remember what really happened,” my voice was only a whisper because of the parched hoarseness of my throat coupled with the crying. “I wish I had died. I have nothing and no one.”

“Don’t ever say that again. You’re still here because you’re destined to live.” At that he took a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped my tears but they kept coming, the sobs rocking my body. I could see he didn’t know what to do or say. He lay his head on my pillow, placing his forehead directly on mine he cradled my head with his hand, stared into my eyes and said, “Everything will be alright, Joanna. I’ve got you now and I’m not going anywhere. You are going to rise and be great. You were unconscious for two weeks and we almost gave up, but here you are la regina.” His closeness brought more solace to me than his words. His face was so close to mine I could feel his breath on my face. Although not a full embrace, I’ve never been held like this before and it brought me peace. He could easily have kissed me if he wanted to but he didn’t try. My eyes drifted close and I drifted off to sleep drinking in his smell and the comfort of his nearness. I don’t know if he would be there when I woke again but I reveled in the beauty of what he gave now.

When I opened my eyes again there was whispering, outside was dark, I was in a room and the lights were on. My eyes were out of focus, I couldn’t see who was in the room but I’m guessing he was, I could smell him. I could still feel the warmth from his touch earlier, that was the best feeling in the world. When I tried to lift my hands earlier they felt so heavy, but now it felt a lot lighter. I flexed my fingers, then I lifted my arm. I wonder if I can sit up. I was about to try and the whispering stopped and he was at my bedside with his cellphone in his hand.

“Are you ok?” He asked his perfect brows creased. “I don’t think you should be moving.”

“I’m uncomfortable and I need water.” I stopped trying to move. He took up a phone hanging on the wall and spoke into it and Dr. Keane appeared almost immediately.

“Can she have some water? She’s uncomfortable. Can I take her home?” He was firing questions at the doctor.

“How are you feeling Joanna?” The doctor asked me directly, he didn’t look so pleased.

“Can I sit up? And I’m thirsty.” I said my throat felt incredibly parched.

“You can try sitting up if you feel strong enough to. I’ll get the nurse to get you some broth and water.” She used her stethoscope to listen to my lung and heart.

“Are you feeling any shortness of breath Joanna?” She asked her brows creased as she listened.

“No.” I responded. “I’m just feeling soreness all over and pain in my chest when I take a deep breath.”

“Ok that’s good. I’ll change the bandages on your wound tomorrow.”

“How badly was I injured?” I was almost afraid to hear the answer, but I needed to know, I needed to figure out my way forward.

“The bullet was lodged in your posterior chest wall and it damaged one of the main valves. When you came in you went straight to surgery where we removed it and managed to repair the valve as best as we could. The rest is up to God.” She finished listening and hung the instrument around her neck.

“You are one lucky little girl. That bullet missed your lung by a few millimeters. We’ll continue to monitor you for the next couple of days and see how things go.” I nodded and watched as she made her exit, ignoring the Mob King.

“I’m sorry you have to be here. I know there are more important things that need your time and attention.” He walked over to the bed with that angry expression that made me so scared.

“You need to stop apologizing.” He said sternly.

“I can see that you’re angry and it scares me. I know I messed things up but I don’t want you to be angry with me, please.” The words gushed out of me. I was tired of men being angry with me.

“A lot is going on, Joanna! I’m not angry at you per se!” His voice went up a notch. I know he was angry at me. Maybe because he felt obligated to be here at the hospital.

“You don’t have to stay here with me, I’ll be ok. I think I’ve passed the worse now.” My voice itched on those last words because I had nobody, no idea where to go or what to do after I was released. But I’m sure I’ll think of something by the time they’re ready to release me.

“If I left you my aunt would have my balls for breakfast!” He exclaimed. He was so much more on edge than he was earlier. Those words confirmed what I thought, he really didn’t want to be here. He was there only because his aunt ordered him to be. I didn’t need his pity. What happened, just happened; I didn’t do it to get a reward.

“Please tell Ms. Munroe that I’ll be fine and you really don’t need to babysit me. When I accepted the job I did so knowing that anything could happen. I’m nobody and I’ve been a burden to people most of my life you don’t know what that feels like. I don’t think I’m going to die at this point, so respectfully, thank you for being here but it’s ok, you can leave me now.”

Fuck! I was so frustrated tears were springing to my eyes unbidden. I am attracted to this man, he’s out of my league, I’m nobody and a total mess and that’s just the truth. Two nurses walked in at that point, one with a tray and the other with a change of gown, toothbrush, wet and dry rags. I guess I was going to get a sponge bath. The one with the sponge bath accessories did a double take when she saw him. Her eyes took him all in, from the tip of his designer boots to the top of the curly hair on his head. The pang of jealousy I felt hit like a wrecking ball to my gut. But why? I didn’t know him and he didn’t know or want a nobody like me.

The older nurse who carried the tray smiled at me and gave me a remote control to operate the bed. She put my bed in an upright position and set the tray before me. The other did my vital signs then she started to prepare the things for the sponge bath. Was no one going to ask him to leave?

“That’s ok I’ll do that,” to my surprise he walked over to her and took the rags and stuff from her and she didn’t resist. I looked from them to him my eyes widened.

“Ok Mr. Rossi, but remember to be careful.” She smiled at him under her lashes and he smiled back.

“I will,” he said. I watched wide eyed as the nurses left the room. Remember? What the fuck did that mean?

“It’s time for your bath la regina”, he said softly.

“What? No,” I said through the hoarseness.

“I’ve been sponge bathing you since you’ve been in here and honestly it was better when you were sleeping.” He said seriously.

The image of him touching my naked body came to my mind.

“Isn’t that just a little bit creepy to you?” I was wide eyed and skittish.

“No. You became a part of this family when you took that shot for my aunt, and I would do anything for my family. It’s not a big deal. I don’t see that you have a choice in the matter anyway.”

[](Sponge bath)

I didn’t have a choice. He was determined to bathe me, so I laid there and closed my eyes and allowed him to undress me and wipe my body ever so gently; first with a soapy rag and them with a wet one. How could he be so angry and his touch so tender? I tried not to look at him and I tried to keep my thoughts clear when he touched my most intimate parts. Nobody has ever touched me so tenderly. I tried not to think about having him for myself. What would it be like to have someone like this as my man? That was beyond impossible, so I tried to push the thought as far away as I could steeling myself against the warmth of his touch and the memory of his acts of tenderness toward me earlier. I didn’t want to think anything of it. I could feel the tension radiating from his body, he was doing this out of his sense of duty and nothing else. He didn’t even allow me to brush my own teeth as strongly as I protested he ignored me.

When he was finished he placed the tray with the water and broth before me and disappeared into the small adjoining bathroom in the room. For the first time I got a clear view of the room I was in. It was bigger than I expected and there was a flatscreen tv on the wall, a small face basin in the corner and what looked like a chaise lounge across from the tv.

I took up the bottled water and my fingers shook as I tried to open it. My hands were still weak, I struggled to open the cap but I would die before asking him to do it for me. I couldn’t look him in the eyes after he saw my body naked and vulnerable. I took a few sips and placed the bottle back on the tray. I felt empty and dejected, I closed my eyes willing the tears away and trying to block his image and touch from my mind.

“You should try to have some of the broth”, he said walking over to the bed.

“I’m fine”, I snapped. I forgot who he was and what he could do to me but I didn’t care. The tears I was trying so hard to hold back started.

“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath but he was close enough for me to hear the curse. He linked his fingers and stretched his hands at the back of his head. I guess he was frustrated too and probably tired of seeing me cry.

“I know you don’t want to be here and you don’t have to. If you’re afraid I’m going to talk I won’t.” He couldn’t begin to imagine how hard this was for me.

He let out an exasperated sigh and said, “Scoot over.” He moved the covers and bent to unlace his boots before switching off the room lights.

“What?” I asked not believing what I heard. He didn’t respond, he straightened, lifted my small body and moved me over on the bed, then he got in the bed and without saying a word he drew my body up against his. I was still in shock, I couldn’t believe my body was actually touching his.

“Relax Joanna. I know your hyper-independence is because of all the trauma you’ve had to endure in your life, but you need people.” My head was under his chin and the tears kept coming. What did he know about my life?

“You know nothing about my life. Why are you even doing this?” I said between sniffles.

“Because you need me…. And…you are my weakness...” this was only a whisper.

“What?” Did he just say... a warm feeling washed over my body and it could feel my muscles relaxing. He felt so good.

“Shhhh. Go to sleep, la regina,” he said in the darkness drawing my body closer.

“But you don’t know me,” I continued speaking. I was still in shock at his words.

“I know more than you think. Now please, please stop moving and go to sleep,” he pleaded sighing exasperatedly.

“What? Why?” His words, his scent, his closeness had me in a state of confusion. I didn’t understand what was happening.

“Fuck Joanna!” He growled and before I knew what was happening he lifted my chin and his lips claimed mine so tenderly it was a contradiction to the tension I could feel from his body. I was in such a shock I stilled and allowed him to kiss me. Have I ever been kissed. Greg was never one to kiss. So no, never. This was my first kiss and it was happening in a hospital bed. My mind started racing. I didn’t know how to respond. He wasn’t forceful, his lips slowly moved over mine, his tongue gently coercing my lips to open for him. When I did, his tongue entered my mouth tentatively as if he didn’t know what awaited him. He was being cautious. I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to him and he deepened the kiss his fingers still holding my chin in place. I ignored all the warning bells that were going off in my head. This was my boss and I was in the hospital. All I could think about was the fact that he was as attracted to me, this nobody, as much as I was attracted to him. A small moan escaped my lips and he stopped the kiss. Disappointment washed over me.

“That’s why I need you to keep still and go to sleep, please.” His voice was raspy as he stressed the please in the stillness of the room. Both our breathing was labored. I didn’t know what to say, I was still reeling from the kiss and what he said about me being his weakness. I wanted to touch my lips. Did I just imagine that? I know I was on some strong pain meds and anything was possible, but nothing could take the taste of him from my lips. My iv pain meds started and I drifted off into a peaceful sleep snuggled against his body.

When I opened my eyes it was morning and I was alone in the bed. The first thing I did was touch my lips. I’m not sure what time it was but the sun had already risen. When my eyes adjusted to the light. I started looking for him. I saw him sitting with Shelly on the chaise, they were speaking quietly, their heads close. There were about four huge bouquet of roses around my room. I used the remote to lift the bed and they both looked up at the same time. He stood and walked over to me immediately.

“How are you feeling?” His eyes were serious and again he looked so angry I almost cringed.

“Ok,” I gave him a monosyllabic answer because he looked like a ticking time bomb.

“I have to leave you for a little while, but Shelly will be here and there are always men outside your door. I’ll bring you some real food when I get back.” He took a step toward me, I thought he was going to kiss me but he stopped short and turned to Shelly.

“Shelly yu packing?”

“Always locked and loaded mi boss!” Shelly responded lifting her t-shirt and showing the pistol in the back of her jeans.

“Alright see you guys later.” He said. He gave me one last look then he turned and walked through the door.

As soon as the door closed Shelly exclaimed, “Mi bomboclaat!!! Come ya likkle girl!” She grabbed me to her and hugged me fiercely forgetting that I was wounded.

“Ouch!” I cried feeling a sting in my chest.

“Sarry! Sarry to bloodclaat but yu scare me likkle girl! Yow mi rate yu is a raasclaat shame!” She put me away from her holding my shoulders and looking into my eyes, her eyes were shining with tears. I didn’t know what to say. There were so many things going on inside me.

“Bloodclaat!” She let out the expletive and wiped her eyes. She was wearing a black wig caught in a ponytail down her back. She wasn’t wearing makeup and I saw an Italian flag tattoo on her neck for the first time.

“How you feel B?” She asked hugging me again but this time way more gently and kissing my hair.

“Mi nu feel too bad considering,” I answered smiling at her sincerity.

“Yu frighten we enu likkle gal! Bloodclaat yu shake up di whole mafia family fi a new comer! Mi nu know if nubaddy tell yu but yu stop breathe on the way to hospital enu! Di boss himself hold yu until we reach a hospital enu. When Yu stop breath him do CPR pan yu and u start cough up blood. Mi pussyclaat!” My eyes widened at that bit of info that I was hearing for the first time. She put her hands on her head and I could see the fright and relief on her face.

“Thank yu fada God fi dis likkle girl weh yu send come to we!” She clasped her hands in prayer and turned her head and eyes upward.

“It’s really not that big a deal Shelly.” I said quietly.

“Weh di bloodclaat yu jus say?! Yow yu not even understand wah yu do! Not even the boss nu know wah fi do wid himself! Him nu lef yu bedside since yu in ya!”

“I don’t know what really happened. All I remember is hearing the click of the gun and seeing it being pointed at Ms. Munroe and my reaction was automatic.”

“Jo when you go so and drop a bare gunshot start go off enu. A two pussyhole mole did inna di place enu! We tear dem to pieces muuma! Now the streets hot cause we nu kno a who dem did a work wid. So di boss head hot up!”

“I’m just happy Ms. Munroe is unarmed.”

“Yow di man dem rate yu likkle girl! And it look like di boss more than rate yu!” I blushed at that remembering how he kissed and held me last night.

“Mi nu know bout that enu Shelly” I said averting my eyes.

“Bloodclaat mi neva see the man so whipped inna the four years me a work wid him!”

“He’s here out of duty.” I said softly. Not believing he was really into a nobody like me in spite of the kiss we shared.

“Duty? B is a army a man guard yu door everyday. He doesn’t need to be here personally. Him head well hot cause him nu really do the killing and torture business but smaddy try hurt him aunty so him angry cause him a say Jamaica a him trading route him nu inna the streets a sell so him nah box nu bread outta a next man mouth but smaddy afta we family.” She said.

“The big shipment still go thru da night de but we move we operation location cause we get compromised.”

“Honestly, Shelly me feel a bit responsible cause if uuno neva affi a see to me everybody wudda more vigilant. And somehow me feel like Max angry wid me.” I confided in her what I really felt and she touched my hands.

“He’s not angry with you Jo. There’s a lot going on in the streets now. Mi know him scary but bare wid him.”

“I don’t have a choice. He won’t leave and I don’t have anybody anyway.” Every time I said those words the reality of my situation hit me and tears filled my eyes.

“When I’m released mi nu have nu weh fi go. Mi can stay wid you till mi get pan mi feet?” I didn’t have anywhere to go and if Greg got wind of me I’m as good as dead.

“Of course! No bloodclaat questions asked!”

“Can I ask you something about the boss...” my voice trailed off but I didn’t wait for her to answer. “Does he have a woman, wife, fiancé anybody in his life?”

“ a man muuma, woman always ago deh bout.” Her response was cryptic but to me she was indirectly saying there were many women. Did that stop me from wanting him? No, it didn’t. After experiencing that kiss I want so much more.

Shelly was about to say more but Dr. Keanes and her team came at that point. She was surprised Max was missing and actually asked where he was. She changed the bandage on my wound and told me it was healing nicely. She recommended that I start walking a little around the room to get my blood circulation going. As soon she left I got up and Shelly helped me to walk around. At first my legs felt like jelly having not moved for so long, but it was good to be out of bed; I clung to Shelly’s arm and the iv stand while we did a few laps around the room.

“What the fuck are you doing out of bed?!” His question sounded like a bellow in the small hospital room as he walked through the door with bags in his hands, one of which was a traveling bag. Shelly and I turned to him at the same time. I jumped and my heart started pounding but Shelly responded to him. He had showered and changed his clothes, he was wearing all brown today and God was he rocking it. My pussy started jumping and my mouth became dry just looking at him in spite of my fright.

“Manners and respect me general but the Dr. see her and say she fi move roun fi get her circulation going.”

“Oh.” He was scowling so hard there was a crease between his eyes. “She change yu bandage?”

“Yes,” I responded without looking at him.

“Have you eaten?” He growled.

“No.” Why did I feel like a wayward child with him? Or was that remnants of my previous relationship coming forward. I was terrified of Greg because I was never sure when he would strike me and he was always shouting.

“It’s ok,” Shelly whispered to me. She felt my trembling. She walked me back to the bed and I got in.

“It’s time for your sponge bath.” He growled placing the bags on the side table, he went into the bathroom to prepare a small basin with water.

“Bombo raasclaat him all bathe yu to?!” Shelly exclaimed smiling softly so he couldn’t hear. I didn’t have time to respond because he came back into the room.

“I’ll be on the outside MobBoss.” She announced to him and did the thing with her hand where she cupped her right fist with her left hand and gave a small bow. He nodded in acknowledgement and she walked out.

As usual, I could feel the tension radiating from him the closer he got to me. I wish I could run my fingers through his hair, touch his face, hug him or something, he was way too tense. I was still trembling a little when he started opening the ties on my hospital gown.

“Are you cold?” He asked.

“No,” I said staring pass him, not wanting to look into his angry eyes.

He continued to remove the gown and wipe my body ever so gently. His hands and face were sending different messages. When he was finished wiping and drying my body he took a tub of coconut Shea butter body cream from the traveling bag. While lying on my back he used his finger to scoop some into his palm and rubbing them together, he started at my neck lathering the cream into my skin. He went down my chest and over each of my b cup mounds causing the nipples to turn into tight little nubs. His eyes widened a fraction as he watched my body’s reaction to his ministration. His hands lingered over the mounds a few seconds longer than necessary watching them transform. I watched his hands under my lashes, my mouth half open drawing in tiny breaths each time his palms passed over my sensitive nipples. He continued lathering more cream down my abdomen and over my flat stomach. Watching the way his hands moved over my body was such a turn on, I had to close my eyes. When I did, he leaned over and placed a tiny kiss on my stomach and my eyes flew open on a gasp. He continued on to my legs, my feet and my arms massaging gently as he went along.

When he was finished he held my hands and I sat upright. I still couldn’t look at him. I was self conscious and turned on sitting naked and vulnerable before him.

“Will you look at me please? I’m sorry I scared you.” He said softly. At that I averted my eyes and our eyes locked.

“There’s a lot going on right now, that’s all.” The big bad wolf was apologizing and he was sincere.

I surprised myself and did what I wanted to do. I lifted my right hand and ran my fingers through his beard caressing his face. He pushed his face into my hand, closing his eyes and seeking more of the comfort I sought to offer. I wanted to kiss him. Would he resist? I didn’t know, but I bent my head and placed my lips against his. He sighed and caught my lips between his sucking gently at them. He parted my lips with his tongue and it went exploring into my mouth giving me a full taste of those sexy lips. One hand came up and he ran the back of his knuckles against the tips of my breast and I thought I would explode. Was this what an impending orgasm felt like? It was a sweet feeling that I didn’t want to end but this was neither the time or place. I broke away from his lips and rested my forehead on his. He gave my lips one last sweet kiss before he started dressing me into pajamas he brought in the traveling bag. It was hard maneuvering the iv lines but we got it done and he settled me in bed and brought me the tray with water, chicken soup and fruit juice.

“I’ll get this heated.” He picked up the container with the soup and headed for the door. I couldn’t take my eyes off this walking contradiction, so angry yet so gentle.

Shelly came back in as soon as he exited a big smile lighting her face. I blushed furiously knowing what just took place.

“B tell me the bloodclaat truth! Yu like him?” She accosted me before she even reached the bed. It’s as if she couldn’t wait to get back in the room.

“Yu love almshouse enu,” I said to her.

“Yow you smell fucking good! If you did a swing my way and you a neva me boss woman mi wudda eat you up right now to pussyclaat! But we nah violate” She was always so dramatic, she made me laugh in spite of myself.

“I’m not his girl.” I said softly.

“Yea? But him a bathe you and lotion yu body though.”

I’m lucky my skin is dark because I would be as pink as a peach at how hard I blushed as the memory of his hands all over my body came to mind. “Who said he lotioned my skin?!”

“B stop gwaan like you wah go roun me.” She was staring me in the eyes and I had to look away.

“Fine! He bathed me every day since I’ve been in here. Even while I was unconscious.” I confessed. “I’ve never been treated like this before in my life. I’m used to being slapped around and treated like shit. This scares me because I don’t know if it’s real. Is it pity for the nobody or is it natural attraction?”

Before she could respond he returned with my soup which he insisted on spoon feeding me. I ate while I listened to Shelly give animated details of things that happened in the pass couple of days in the new operation location.
I listened until my eyes started drooping so I know my iv meds had started. Max leveled my bed down so I could be in a more comfortable position. He smoothed my curls back and kissed my temple as I drifted off to sleep. My last thought before sleep took over was surprise that he did that in Shelly’s presence.

Greg walked in on us kissing and he was furious, he pulled his gun and started firing. I screamed and dashed before Max shielding his body with mine and taking multiple bullets to my back. I screamed before I slumped into his arms.

“Hey Joanna! Wake up you’re having a nightmare.” He gently shook me awake. I opened my eyes but they were wild, searching, wondering where I was. The room was shrouded in darkness, I’m not sure what time it was.


“I’m here la regina,” he said smoothing the curls from my face.

Without thinking I threw my arms around his neck hugging his body close to mine, pressing myself into him. He hugged me back, gently holding me so as not to touch my wound. I needed him close to me. I pulled back the covers and scooted over so he could get in with me. He was hesitant but my eyes were pleading even in the darkness. He sighed heavily and crawled in beside me. I snuggled as close as I could to his body careful not to disrupt my iv. He pulled me close, my head tucked under his chin. My hand went under his t-shirt. I needed to feel his skin against mine. It slowly went across his chest. He held my hand still as his breathing became heavier.

“This will go way further than it should If we don’t stop. I can’t control myself around you la regina. If you continue to touch me like this I can’t guarantee you I’ll keep my hands off you. And I really don’t want to hurt you,” his voice was ragged in the darkness of the room.

In response my hand continued trailing across his chest and then it went down toward his navel and above the waist of his pants. I could hear the change in his breathing.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” He breathed before he lifted my chin and his mouth took mine and his hand started roaming. He found his way under my pajama top and he cupped the first breast his hand came upon flicking the nipple with his thumb. He released my lips, lifted my top and his mouth drew in the nipple sucking gently at the tip.

“0h fuck,” I groaned as the current ran to core of my pussy everything else forgotten but the sensations that were coursing through my body. This was so new to me I wanted to explore.

“Joanna, I can’t do this to you.” He stopped touching me and kissed my lips tenderly, then my eyes, and my forehead. “You’ve been through enough. You don’t need me adding to it.”

He didn’t want me. That was my only thought. I was used goods, spoilt. He didn’t have any use for trash like me. I thought there was something between us but there wasn’t. I will forever be Greg’s trash.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered softly and pulled away from him turning my back to him. “I’m very sorry.”

He sighed heavily. “I started this and I shouldn’t have. I’m the one who should be sorry.” He thought he was making it better but he was further cementing what I thought was the truth. Why would Maximilian Rossi want a nobody like me? I was a horny mess wanting what was way beyond my league. He tried to pull me back into his arms but I resisted and he gave up and left the bed. I fell asleep with tears soaking my pillow.

“Joanna, I have good news for you! You can go home today!” Dr. Keane’s voice was loud and cheerful as she spoke. Her voice drew me out of my sleep. I had a rough night, I was in and out of sleep feeling for Max on the bed and searching for him in the darkness of the room, craving his closeness. When the first signs of dawn appeared through the window that’s when I fell asleep.

“That’s good to hear,” I said without enthusiasm.

“I thought you’d be happy to go home after being in here a month.” She said.

“I am happy,” I said forcing a smile. She wouldn’t understand that a home was something I didn’t have.

She did her routine listening to my heart and chest while she spoke with me. She removed the bandage from the wound that had fully healed on the outside but was still tender on the inside. She asked me to be careful not to lift anything heavy or do anything strenuous. She wrote my prescription for pain medicine and promised to be back with the release forms.

He stood aside listening to the doctor as was his usual way. I couldn’t read his expression about my going home news, he looked his usual tense and angry self.

“Can you call Shelly for me please?” I turned and addressed him for the first time since last night.

“Why?” He asked pointedly.

“Well I don’t have a place to stay or any body to call. She says I can stay with her until I can get on my feet.”

“You’re not going home with Shelly.” He stated firmly staring at me.

“What? Would you rather I stayed on the streets then? Because I have no where else to go. If you’re worried I will talk I already told you I won’t.” I was rambling because I couldn’t believe he was actually denying me this.

“You are not going home with Shelly” he stated flatly.

Now, I was angry. “What the fuck Max?! Wah mi supposed to do? You nuh want me and I don’t blame you! Mi know mi a spoil goods! Mi know mi get fuck out! I shouldn’t have touched you last night! I already said I’m sorry and it won’t happen again; I know I crossed the line. I have no where else to go! I am going with her!” I shouted. His face was a mask of rage. He didn’t respond, he stormed out.

A few seconds later Shelly’s head popped in. “Yu good muuma? Boss look really angry.”

“I’m good. I’m going home today.” I announced trying to look cheerful. She wasn’t buying it.

“ why everybody angry because you’re going home?” She asked looking puzzled.

“Him nu want me go wid you! I don’t have no where to go! Shelly please let me come with you. Mi nu have nu money, nu clothes, nuttn!” I blurted.

“J you waah mi lose mi fucking head? Yu mad?! If him say no mi cyah go gainst that muuma him wudda kill mi.” She said looking a bit frightened. She walked over to the traveling bag on the side table.

“Nu clothes inna this?” She asked pointing to it.

“These came from it” I touched the pajamas I wore. “I’m not sure what else in there. I haven’t touched it.”

He walked back into the room looking angrier than when he left, he didn’t say a word and Shelly quickly left.

“I signed your release papers and collected your medicine script. The car is ready let’s go.” He basically growled at me. Grabbing the traveling bag he opened the door and growled in Italian and one of the men took the bag from him and another held the door ajar. He scooped me up into his arms and walked through the door. I was so shocked I couldn’t protest if I wanted to. I was deposited into the back of a grey Mercedes SUV and he entered after me and slammed the door. He growled in Italian to the driver and he started driving. I noticed there was one identical SUV in front and one behind and they all moved in tandem.

He was furious. He didn’t look at me or touch me after he put me in the car. I leaned my head on the side of the leather interior and closed my eyes wishing there was something I could do to help myself. I was angry too but at myself for thinking there was or could be a thing between him and I. Gregory used me like a dirty piece of cloth, he made sure nobody would want me. I’ll just focus on working to make myself a better person.

The landscape and beautiful scenery passed in a blur of tears as we sped through the streets of the country side. I wanted to crawl in his lap, all I wanted was that human contact that he gave me in the hospital but he pretended I wasn’t sitting right beside him. We pulled up to a huge gate with the men in black dudes at the gate. The gate opened automatically and we drove into the most beautifully landscaped yard I have ever seen. There were flowers, fountains and sculptures all around. The house itself was a three story old Spanish architecture style house. It was breathtaking.

When the cars stopped I didn’t get a chance to see much more, everybody was talking in Italian. One man opened his door and he stepped out and opened my door scooping me up in his arms and walking inside the house and up the stairs where he deposited me in a room and left without saying a word. I felt lost.

Moments later an older lady walked in.
“Hi I’m Maria. Don Rossi asked me to assist you.” She had a kind smile.

“Hi” I greeted her dashing the tears from my eyes.

“Let’s get you a bath, some food and into bed my dear.” She walked to an adjoining door and into a huge bathroom with a claw tub. She filled it with warm jasmine bubbles, helped me to strip off my clothes and climb in. The water was soothing. I’ve never soaked in a tub, it was divine. She washed my short curls with jasmine scented shampoo while I lathered myself with a soft sponge. When she was finished, she gently towel dried my hair and my body with the plushest towels I’ve ever felt and moisturized my skin with the same coconut Shea butter body cream. She opened a walk in closet and she came back with a short white silk night dress and matching robe. By the time she threw the night dress over my body I felt exhausted. The altercation with Max, the ride and everything drained what little energy I had. Maria tucked me in the huge queen four poster bed and left to get me something to eat.

There was a small knock and the door opened and he came in holding the tray. His eyes were like deep dark pools of tension. I looked away from him scared to be in his presence or to look in his eyes with all that anger.

“La regina, will you look at me please?” He asked softly. Sitting on the side of the bed, he placed the tray next to him. I didn’t look at him, I continued staring in the other direction. This was too much, I didn’t want to be slave to another man. He gently touched my chin with his fingers and turned my head to him and I melted. The first thing I saw were his lips, so soft, so undemanding.

“Maria sent you cream of pumpkin soup with toasted Italian bread and butter. Can I feed you?” I didn’t respond I just kept staring at him. He picked up the tray and started spoon feeding me the delicious soup and bread. It was so good I almost ate the entire thing, but when I was full, I turned my head and he wiped my lips and put the tray away. He looked pleased to see me eating.

I yawned and stretched and the covers fell from my upper body. His eyes caught my nipples straining against the silk of the nightgown and his breath caught in his throat as he stared. The image and feel of his mouth on my breast came unbidden to my mind. I could feel his hot lips and the heat flowed over my body and pooled in my pussy. No! I made the mistake before of throwing myself at him and faced rejection, I wasn’t about to do that again. I grabbed the covers and pulled them up to my neck apologizing.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?” He asked softly.

For fucking wanting you! I have no business wanting you! I thought to myself.

I didn’t answer his question, instead I looked away embarrassed. I know he could sense the change in my breathing, he could see how dilated my pupils were and he probably caught me staring at his lips more than once.

“Joanna, I know you’ve been through hell. I feel like I’m adding to that when I touch you...” his words trailed off when I looked at him.

“And what if you’re my savior from the hell I’ve been through?” I asked him quietly. My eyes went back to his lips. I wanted to taste them again so badly.

“Let me be honest, yes I’ve been through hell with one man but I’ve never been touched or kissed the way you’ve touched and kissed me. In fact you gave me my first kiss. I know I’m nobody, and I have no business wanting you but since I’m being honest, I want you Max. I don’t care...” he cut me off when he captured my lips with his in his usual sweet, undemanding way. I opened my mouth and he took the advantage of exploring with his tongue. He drew my tongue into his mouth encouraging me to do the same. I did and it was heavenly. He sucked on my tongue and my lips ever so slowly I was lost and had no idea when the covers fell away. His hand held my face in place as his tongue worked its magic. Then it slowly moved down my neck and his lips followed the trail his hand made biting and kissing the spots simultaneously. When he got to the first breast his nose circled around it the nub in the silk inhaling deeply.

“Fuck! You smell so good!” He said against the nipple before gently biting it through the silk. I inhaled sharply as the sensation waxed over my entire body causing me to tremble. He flicked the straps from shoulders and they slid down smoothly exposing the turgid nipple to his lips. When he drew one in his mouth sucking deeply my hands held his head in place as my back arched off the bed pushing the nipple further into his hot mouth. He moved to the next bud and offered the same treatment. I tried to muffle my groans, vaguely cognizant that we were not alone in the house but he was driving me wild just with his tongue on my breasts.

His hands slid the silk down my body, over my hips and he found that I was completely naked under it.

“Fuck! No underwear! Do you intend to drive me insane?” He spoke against my skin as his hands roamed my body. When his hand found my pussy and flicked my clit with his thumb I groaned so loud, I’m sure the entire house could hear me. The same thumb sank into my wet pussy making it spring even more moisture. He groaned with pleasure at the slippery wetness. His thumb went in and out of my pussy causing my hips to move on it’s own, whining on his finger and moaning deep in my throat.

“Don’t stop” I moaned as I felt something sweet building inside me. It was so near yet so far away, only he could bring me to that place. His thumb continued working that spot and I was lost in my moans of ecstasy as I gushed pussy juice all over his hand. I forgot the wound, the chest pain, the exhaustion and the other people who I’m sure could hear me. I was brought to a place of pure delight, a place I’ve never been in my life.

“You are beautiful and perfect in every way, how could I not want you?” His lips travelled down my body nipping and soothing as he went along. I grabbed his head to bring his lips back to mine and he obliged. I grabbed his shirt and dragged it over his head. I felt like a woman starved as my hands ran up and down the sinews of his muscled upper body. I reached for his belt and fumbled with it anxiously.

“Patience la regina,” he whispered in my ear and then bit the lobe causing a shudder to run through my body and a gasp to escape my lips. He removed the rest of his clothes and lay beside me afraid he would hurt me if he lay on top of me. He kiss the back of my neck and ran his tongue down the middle of my back, then he gently kissed my healing wound. He was serious about taking his own sweet time loving me. Lying on my side in the fetal position, he slipped his pink tipped dick into my waiting pussy. I grabbed and bit into the pillow as my pussy adjusted to accommodate his girth. Slowly he drove in and out of me hitting that secret spot that his thumb found earlier until I was gushing all over him. He held my waist and lifted me so that I was straddling him.

I ran my hand up and down his length, it was slippery from my pussy juice and slid slowly down on it. If anybody told me cocky could be this sweet I would call them a liar. This was the sweetest, unhurried loving I’ve had in my life and I was savoring every moment of it. He linked our fingers together as I rocked back and forth on his dick reveling in every groan that came from his lips. I felt like a real queen knowing I had the power to give my man ultimate pleasure. When I tic toc whined on the head of his dick his eyes rolled back and his toes curled.

“Bomboclaat, best pussy eva,” he breathed as I continued to tic toc and quint the muscles around his dick. I smiled enjoying the power I had over this sexy powerful man. When he was on the brink of coming he flipped me on my hands and knees and slammed into me hard then slowly withdrew, he repeated this until I was begging him to fuck me. He smiled and start slamming in and out of my pussy faster and harder holding my waist tightly. His sweet stick found a new spot and he hit it without mercy sending me spiraling out of control until he dug his fingers into my waist and with one deep thrust he came releasing all the tension he had over the past weeks.

We fellow the bed exhausted together and he drew my back against him pressing his face in my hair. I snuggled into his body and fell asleep.

In my sleep fog I felt his mouth hot on my breasts, sucking at the sensitive peaks as if they were sustenance. Two fingers found their way inside my pussy to check my readiness. He gasped when he realized how wet I was even in my sleep.

“Bomboclaat pussy eva ready,” he breathed against my neck as he gently turned me unto my back.

He lifted one of my legs and slipped inside me. My eyes flew open at how deep he went. He was insatiable and I loved it.

“Fucking you is my new hobby. Sorry I woke you but I can’t get enough.” He said between breaths as in and out he went until we both came and we fell asleep together again, a tangle of sheets and limbs.

He bit, sucked and kissed my neck whispering something in Italian. When I opened my eyes he was up on one elbow looking down at me while his hands ran down the length of my body. The moonlight came through the windows casting a serene shadow on our bodies. His head dipped and he tasted my exposed nipple into his mouth biting and soothing, then drawing it deep into his mouth. At this point my nipples were over sensitive from all the attention.

“Fuuuuuck” I moaned and he realized I was awake. He continued sucking sending the electric spark to my pussy. I held his head and turned fully on my back so that he could give some attention to the other nipple. He brushed his beard across the sensitive tips and I arched my back off the bed. These new sensations were overpowering, I could feel the contraction of my pussy walls as I climaxed from the ministrations on my breasts.

“I love your breasts,” he whispered against my lips before he claimed them.

“Is that all you love?” I asked teasing him. He threw my hands above my head and held them together.

“The list is way too long to say in one night. You are perfect, la regina. I could make love to you all day and all night.” His lips moved down my body with the butterfly kisses stopping at my navel. His tongue dipped in and he kissed the spot. He slid further down and paused at the apex of my thighs where I was squeezing my thighs tightly together.

“Apri per me bel fiore.” He breathed in Italian then translated in English, “Open for me beautiful flower.” I could feel his breath on my thighs like little butterflies and I slowly opened for him. His tongue dipped into my pussy and flicked my clit, first slowly then fast sending shockwaves through my body. My orgasm was intense as my entire body arched off the bed.

“I love to see you climax la regina. You are a beautiful sight.” He kissed his way up my shaking body until he found my lips and he slowly slipped inside my already wet pussy. His loving was slow ad deliberate. If I said I didn’t know what it felt like to make love after this, I would be a liar. The man was a master at the art of lovemaking, his hands, tongue, lips and sweet dick were master tools. I stopped counting how many times he woke me from deep sleep with his lips, how many times he made love to me and how many times I climaxed.

I was jarred from my sleep by a loud crashing sound and shouting. What the fuck was that? The room was dark but I immediately knew Max was not in the bed with me. Where was he? What was going on? I grabbed the night gown and through it over my head and on my way through the door I threw the robe over my shoulders tying the straps. What I saw from the head of the stairs stopped me in my tracks immediately, my mouth gaped…

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