or Whore?)

‘Don’t let him know how he’s affecting you,’ that’s what I kept telling myself throughout the day and through the flight home on the family jet, that he insisted we take to get home quickly. He was first and foremost my boss. I fell in love with my boss, I had no business liking him, fucking him or even loving him. He had every right to behave the way he did. He told me it would be hard for him to take me anywhere when he had serious business to deal with and I shouldn’t take it personally. I guess I was an embarrassment to him. After his outburst maybe he saw the look of hurt on my face before I masked it quickly, but he stormed out of the hotel room. He tried speaking to me several times since but I have nothing to say to him, I looked through him as if he wasn’t there a mechanism I developed when I was with Gregory.

When we drove up to the mansion, I didn’t wait for him to help me out. I flung the door open and hurried out, the sharp pain was lancing through my chest and I felt like I would pass out at any second. My breath was short and labored. I needed my medicine and my bed.

“Welcome back Joanna!” Ms. Munroe greeted me at the foot of the stairs.

“Ms. Munroe, hi...” my voice trailed off as my body went limp and I felt myself falling to the ground but I couldn’t stop it. I could faintly hear shouting and footsteps around me in my semiconscious state. I felt myself being lifted and carried up the stairs.

“Max we should take her to the hospital.” Ms. Munroe was beside him.

“No, I don’t want her in a hospital. Call the family doctor!” He literally shouted at her.

“Boss she nu take nu medication from she leave here.” The was worry evident in Shelly’s voice.

“Fuck!” He breathed through his teeth. He raced up the stairs. He hugged me tighter to his chest. We got into my room he lay me on a pile of pillows.

“Raise her head higher, Max” Ms. Munroe said grabbing pillows to prop me up.

“I know I shouldn’t have agreed to her leaving this motherfucking house!”

I couldn’t speak I was busy trying to catch my breath. My hand came up to my chest and held the spot where I was feeling the sharp pain. He went to the bathroom and grabbed the pills and a glass of water.

“Baby take these.” He held my head and threw the pills in my mouth and some water. He shrugged off his jacket, climbed into the bed and brought me to his chest. I couldn’t fight him, I had absolutely no strength. I closed my eyes and curled up against his body despite my anger, not that I had a choice anyway. I needed to catch my breath. The doctor arrived quicker than I thought. An older gentleman, short and well groomed.

“The air pressure caused a lack of oxygen flow to her lungs. She shouldn’t be traveling right now, she could have developed a pulmonary embolism, blood clots in her lung. The shot damaged the main valve to her lung. She needs rest.” I was half awake listening to him talking to Max and Ms. Munroe.

“I will give her a shot for the pain that will also put her to sleep for a few hours.” He administered the shot and as it coursed through my veins I could feel the heaviness of my limbs and eyelids. I drifted off into a dreamless sleep in seconds.

When my eyes opened it was dark in my bedroom save for slivers of moonlight shining through the drapes. The pain was gone and my breathing was so much better. There was a familiar warmth beside me and my body automatically snuggled closer and deeper into it and immediately the fire started in the pit of my womanhood. I was surprised he was in my bed after the way he behaved in New York but; I didn’t want to think or talk, I just wanted to feel him.

“How are you feeling, la regina?” He asked in the darkness. It was always a little frightening that he could tell the minute my eyes opened without looking at me.

In response to his question I turned my body gingerly into his arms and moved closer to him. I started kissing him before he could react. When his lips parted in surprise I took advantage and deepened the kiss. He recovered from the surprise in a millisecond and took over the kiss, his hand running up my thigh under the silk night dress. He moaned deeply as his hands dipped and coarsed over my curves like a man starved. The night dress was slipped off my shoulders before I could take a deep breath and his lips followed its descent down my body. My moans grew deeper and deeper as his lips replaced his hands. His sexual appetite alone was a huge turn on.

His lips landed on my nipple and he kissed the top before he drew it into his mouth sucking hard. He moved so that he was over me giving him access to all my body. This man knew exactly where to touch and kiss to spark my fire and have me arching my back off the bed and my eyes rolling back. If making love was a sport this man owned the gold belt. He was a walking ticking time bomb, but in bed he was the pussy slayer. The people in the house were probably used to my moans by now, it was useless to bite the pillow or try to muffle them.

When his sweet dick entered my pussy, his movements were extremely slow and deliberate. I held his face between my palms and drew his lips back to mine. I could taste my own essence on his lips and my arousal tripled. He was already deep inside my pussy but I wanted him deeper. I linked my fingers with his as I met him thrust for thrust. His movements were languid as he murmured Italian in ear, kissing and biting my lips between each word. Orgasm after orgasm rocked my body as his cock went in and out of my pussy. It was a shame I couldn’t have him for myself. Megan or anybody else who came along could keep him. It broke my heart everytime I looked at him knowing that to him I would always be the sex slave, a nobody. He was not my king to keep, he proved that to me. His cum was deep and my name was a loud groan as he spurted that sweet juice deep in my pussy.

I know he went slowly because of doctor’s orders, but I still wanted more. I loved this man’s dick more than I did food. I could see why Megan was acting the fool, this dick could make you forget time, place, health and well-being. In fact, it was my medicine. I wanted more. Before he came down from that orgasm, I held his face kissing him deeply.

[](The sex is that good!)

“Baby you need to take it easy. We shouldn’t be doing this in your state,” he spoke between kisses. “If you don’t stop me, I’m going to end up fucking you all night.” I didn’t respond I just kissing him, my hands moving up and down his body.

“You made love to me, now I want you to fuck me.” I said against his lips, nipping at his bottom lip.

“You shouldn’t...”, he started but I cut him off.

“Fuck me...hard,” I commanded against his lips as I widened mi legs. Using my heels I pushed him deeper inside me. He growled and lifted one of my legs placing it on his shoulder. That position was so deep I think I could feel his dick in my throat. I grabbed at anything my hands could catch as he pounded my pussy in sweet ecstasy. The other leg joined the first one his shoulder making him go even deeper it was as if he was branding me. Orgasm shook my body and all I could do was cry out in pleasure. His hands clung to my hips as his cock worked what had to be pussy magic.

This time when he came, his entire body shook as his fingers dug into my waist. Now, that was some good fucking. As I lay replete in his arms, my body thrown halfway over his, I sighed deeply.

“You are fucking amazing, mio amore.” I didn’t respond but he drew my back to his front and buried his face in my hair inhaling deeply. I didn’t want to talk to him but I loved feeling his body close to mine. I snuggled into him and closed my eyes my body replete and satisfied; soon my eyes drooped and I drifted to sleep.

Even in my sleep fog I felt his lips on my neck, my ear, my jaw. When I opened my eyes sunlight was streaming through the curtains. My body instinctively snuggled back into him, whining my butt on his turgid cock.

“I can’t help myself with you, la regina. I want to be inside you all the time.”

His groan of pleasure sent a shock wave straight to my pussy. I wish I could ride him but that would be too much for me but I was pleasantly surprised when he lifted me on my knees and slammed into me. That first thrust threw me over the cliff, I was gushing pussy juice all over his dick. I’m not sure what time it was but I really hoped nobody could hear my moans. The ride started slowly, but the thrusts were deep, almost like punishment. They grew more and more earnest and deep as he neared his climax. I still wasn’t talking to him but I would take all the loving he gave me.

[](Raw passion)

We had a bath together where gently ran the bath sponge all over my body barely restraining himself from taking me again. As for me, I allowed him to do whatever he wanted with me, after all that’s what a sex slave should do.

“What would you like for breakfast?” He asked as I settled into the bed in pajamas. I know I wasn’t going to be allowed to leave the room so I mentally prepared myself to stay in bed for the next couple of days. Furthermore, it was important for me to fully heal to move on.

I didn’t respond, nor did I look at him. I was acting the part he wanted me to play. He didn’t want me to be his queen. He wanted sex, I enjoyed making love to him so I guess it was a win win.

“Really Joanna? After all we did between last night and this morning we’re back to this?” I didn’t respond. I closed my eyes trying to block the things he said to me and trying to remember the pleasure he also gave me. This was what fucking the boss resulted in. He stood scowling down at me and I fixed my eyes on a spot on the wall. I wasn’t afraid of him like I feared Greg, but my heart couldn’t handle anymore truths from him, I would probably die from a broken heart. I closed my eyes willing the tears back and trying to focus on the sweet pleasures of the flesh. I know what I was and it was time to stop pretending to be something else. There was a small knock on the door.

“Are you guys decent?” Ms. Munroe’s voice called from the other side. He blew out an exasperated breath and flew the door open.

“I’ll send Maria up with your breakfast!” He stormed out the room and pass and his aunt without even a good morning.

“Good morning Joanna. How are you feeling?” She came in smiling at me and ignoring Max and his temper. She was dressed impeccably in a skirt suit, her hair was hanging down her back and around her shoulders. She was gorgeous.

“Much better ma’am. Thank you for asking.” I responding politely. She eyed me a little strangely but she continued.

“You gave us a real fright yesterday, Joanna.”

“I’m sorry I was such a bother Ms. Munroe. I’ll do my best to get the rest I need to get better.” I could barely look her in the eyes. If Max thought that way about me what say his family? I’m only lying in this bed because I took that shot and I need to remind myself never to pass that line.

“Joanna what you did in New York was exceptional! I’m sure Max has thanked you but I had to thank you personally!” Her eyes were alight with excitement.

“In all the years we have been doing this transaction we have never collected so much money from one shipment. Little girl you were right! They’ve been robbing the family all these years.” I didn’t want to think about New York, the sting of his words were still painful.

“I was only doing my job, ma’am,” I averted my eyes quickly willing the tears always.

“Your job? This is the second time you’ve risked your life for this family. When I hired you, it was only to be a transporter and to work on a ship, not to take bullets, handle multimillion dollar transactions and tame my nephew.” She spoke passionately.

“You’ve not only transformed how we do business but we found out that Megan and her men were fucking us over all these years! More importantly you saved my life and for that I will be forever indebted.”

“Ms. Munroe...” I started and when I turned to her the tears pooled in my eyes no matter how hard I willed them away. I closed my eyes and they ran down my cheek, “I wanted to thank you for taking a chance with me even when everybody else wouldn’t. I’m glad I was there that night to take that bullet for you. I wish I had died because I have nothing and no one to live for anyway; but I was spared so I was able to help again by going to New York; but I would like to leave and work on the next cruise ship when it docks.” I swallowed pass the lump in my throat and I continued to speak.

“I’ve been trying to be what I’m not, thinking I could help this family, thinking I could be that strong woman behind Max but I’m nobody. I’m an embarrassment to him. My heart got entangled in the process, and that’s entirely my fault to believe that a man like Max would want me. I was a sex slave and that is what I am to him and nothing more.” I dashed the tears from my eyes and willed myself to calm down. I didn’t want to think of the hurtful things he said to me.

“Nobody? Trying to be what you’re not? Listen, the girl I met that night died that night. The real you has started to shine through and I’ve never been more proud to see your transformation.” She held my hand in hers.

“Nobody can change your past, and that man should have his balls ripped off by a pit bull for what he put you through. It was not your fault and you’re not that person any more.”

“Yes, I am...” there was a small knock and Maria came in with my breakfast and a huge smile.

“Good morning, Miss Joanna.” She placed the tray on my lap and went to the bathroom and got the medicine. “Miss Joanna please don’t forget to take these.” I forced a smile for her.

“Thank you Ms. Maria.” I said. She smiled at me before walking out.

“Little girl have you seen how tiny you are and how big he is? You are the only person who can calm Maximilian. You make him happy. Even the workers can tell because he’s been so different since you came here.” Ms. Munroe was taking but she took up a piece of toast and started buttering it feeding me. I bit into the piece of bread as I tried to hold the tears at bay. I was in love with him and I was stupid.

“He needs an educated woman who can stand beside him.” I said after swallowing the piece of toast.

“I wish you could see the way that boy looks at you. He...” she stopped talking when he walked through the door fully dressed in a grey designer suit with his signature platinum cuff links.

“Are you up to having lunch with my father today, Joanna?” He asked as he walked in. I didn’t look at him.

“Will you look at me please?” His voice was pleading but he was still wearing a scowl. I still didn’t look at him. I wanted to throw the tray at him a scream at him, but I didn’t.

“Look at me please, la regina.” He came closer to the bed and his smell hit me like a bolt of lightening. It took all of my self restraint to keep my eyes averted.

“I don’t think she should be out of bed today, Max.” Ms. Munroe interjected quickly. “The doctor did order that she stay in bed for the next couple of days.” He stood there looking down at me before he turned on his heels and stormed out.

“What’s going on between you two?!” Ms. Munroe asked exasperatedly.

“Ms. Munroe, I take full responsibility for this. I was out of line when I suggested going to New York and I was even more out of line for thinking I could be with him in the first place. I wish I didn’t have to stay here but based on my condition I can’t do anything else at the moment. By the time the ship docks I should be healed enough to work.”

She let out a big sigh. “I don’t know what happened between you two but I hope you can work it out. I’ll give you some space, I’ll check on you later.” She touched my hands and then walked out the door.

I allowed my tears to fall. Keeping the hurt inside gave me the horrible chest pains and I didn’t want to feel that in addition to how low I already felt about myself. I wish there was a way to leave without being noticed. I still had money in the purse I travelled with. I didn’t want to see or talk to anybody else. I sat in the room alone and stared at the wall like I was used to doing with Gregory.

At lunch time he brought the tray instead of Maria. I mumbled “thank you” hoping he would leave but he perched on the side of the bed, the tray beside him.

“Joanna will you please talk to me?” He said looking at me but I kept my eyes averted. Did he have a memory lapse? How could he forget what he said?! I sighed inwardly, what did it matter anyway? He didn’t lie.

“What the fuck Joanna?! Why won’t you talk to me?!” He got up and flipped the tray with the food across the room. I recoiled in shock and fright but I quickly recovered as I turned blank eyes to him. The door flew open immediately and three men ran inside their pistols in hand. After looking around and seeing me calmly sitting on the bed and their boss stretching his fingers behind his head in that frustrated way. They nodded at me a bit embarrassed and left the room.

What was I supposed to say to him? This was his world. I was trespassing. So all I did was look at him. Brown eyes met deep dark eyes.

“Will you talk to me, please?” His brows creased and he looked like he was carrying the load of the world on his back, but still I said no words. There was really nothing to say. He had said it all and it was the truth.

“I’m sorry.” I said to him as I moved the covers back. “I’ll get this cleaned up.” I picked up the tray started picking up pieces of splintered glass where the glass, jug and plate shattered.

“What are you doing?!” He grabbed my hand and drew me away from the mess. “Just forget that and talk to me please!” He gripped my upper arms and shook me. He must have seen the fright in my eyes because he let me go so quickly I almost fell to the ground.

He walked away from me running his hand through his hair. I’ve never seen him so perturbed.

“Joanna, I said some stupid shit in New York. I want you to know that I never meant a word of it. I’ve been...” he started talking but I cut him off my anger getting the best of me.

“You’ve been what?! An ass?! Everything me do is for fucking you Max! You’ve been constantly hurting me for no reason! A wah? You nu used to love?! Or you nu want nu love from a whore?” My hands were balled at my side. Though I was shouting I tried to keep my anger in check.

“No, I have no business a love an ungrateful pussyhole like you! And no you never ask mi fi help or be your strength! But obviously somebody throw a veil ova yu fucking eye dem so you cyah see that what I did needed to be done!” I tried to keep my anger in check but it wasn’t working at all.

“All the silk inna the bloodclaat world nah go change who I am! A nobody! A fucking sex slave! I was Gregory’s and now I’m yours; it’s obvious that’s all you want mi fa! I can’t resist you. Just thinking about your lips, your hands your fucking tongue makes my pussy clench and drip like it de pan auto fucking pilot! But you are boss and I am whore! School children in pussyclaat China kno it! I am tired of crying and this fucking unbearable pain inna mi fucking chest! Jus keep your distance from me please!” I didn’t care that he could kill me but I couldn’t hold the reign on my words or my anger. I just couldn’t allow myself to be hurt like this all the time.

“There will be no fucking distance between us! You are bound to me and this family! And yes mi a yu boss so yu betta watch da fucking mouth de weh yu have!” He shouted angry dark eyes meeting hurt, damaged and angry brown ones. Two long strides and he threw the door open, slamming it behind him in his wake.

After he left I crawled back into the bed and curled into a ball and willed myself not to cry. Two ladies came and cleaned up the mess in the room and Maria brought me another tray. I wasn’t hungry, but again she insisted that I take my medicine. My heart was full I needed a good cry but my chest could not manage all that tension. Yea, I earned my place in the family but for some reason I didn’t feel like I was a part of the family.

As day drew into night I wanted to find somewhere to hide. I didn’t want to lie another night curled in his arms because I was helpless to resist him when he’s near. Maria helped me with my bath and Ms. Munroe ate dinner in my room to keep me company. She heard about the shattered tray at lunch.

“What happened?” She asked as she reached over and started slicing the carrots and honey roasted chicken on my plate.

“I don’t know. The boss was angry.” I said.

“He’s ‘the boss’ now?” Her perfect brows arched in mock surprise.

“He was always the boss, I guess I forgot for a minute, but I’ve been reminded.” I said softly looking down at my plate.

“I ask you what’s going on I get nothing, I ask him, I get nothing. I don’t know what’s going on with you two, but you both need to get it together!” I kept my eyes pinned to my plate and decided to change the subject.

“How are things at the new factory?” I asked her trying to take her mind off the things that were blatantly wrong with Max and I. She was happy to talk about the renovations at the new factory. Shipments were on pause and that Leo didn’t seem too pleased about it, he kept insisting that the side hustle would be an asset to the organization and that he was tired of the everyday same old same old. I listened with one ear but my mind was racing all over the place.

By the time Ms. Munroe left I was emotionally drained. I curled on my side of the bed and tried to sleep before he came in. It was no use, my body was so used to him being in the bed, I couldn’t relax without him. When he climbed into the bed later that night it was no use pretending to be asleep, he knew my body too well. Despite my objections to being drawn into his arms, he pulled me close anyway and thats when my body automatically started relaxing. He was naked from the waist up and he buried his face into my hair and inhaled deeply murmuring in Italian. I could feel his erection rising against my butt. I had to grind my teeth to stay still and stop myself from reaching around him and slipping his cock inside me.

“Please let me love you, la regina,” he whispered against my neck before he bit and sucked on the spot leaving a very visible love bite. “Please...I need you.” That was my undoing, my anger evaporated like vapors in the air. I turned into his arms and he covered my lips with his. His pajama pants followed my nightgown and he was deep inside me before I could exhale. I lost count of how many times he fucked me in that one night. Even in my sleep my brain could register his tongue flicking my clit while two fingers slipped in and out of my pussy. My earth shattering orgasm brought me fully awake. As the sun rose high in the sky he brought up and over the clouds with his sweet dick. Fuck! I was so helpless against this man.

Shelly walked in when I was finishing breakfast.

“Weh yu do wid me boss head Joanna?! Mi pussyclaatdis serious!” She rolled he eyes heavenward.

“Anyway da teifing gal deh dung stairs wid him. Mi know yu need rest but da gal de a get too nuff now and a you alone can go cut dung har pussyclaat an nuttn nu happn!” She was her usual animated self but my mind was preoccupied. I really missed talking to Max. Yes he held me at nights, he made the sweetest love to me even in my sleep and I woke to the sweetest kisses and his dick as deep as he could go, but I really missed spending time with him.

“Yu hear wah mi jus say? Di pussyhole gal dung stairs and mi cyah rinse mi gun inna har bombohole and nu get inna trouble. Only you can go find out why she deh ya and di boss nu kill yu.” She was talking really fast and she looked troubled.

“Wait who?” I was just catching on to what she was saying.

“Di bombocleet teifing walking dead gal man!”she was upset. “Come put on some clothes and go dung deh cause mi nu trust da pussyhole deh!” She moved back the covers and took my tray helping me out of the bed.

“Me and Max not even chat. Mi nu kno wah you expect mi fi go down there go say,” I didn’t swing my leg out of the bed.

She was looking at me her arms akimbo, “Ahm di hickey pan yu neck a talk loud and clear say uuno vex yes,”

“You wouldn’t understand yaah Shelly,” I sighed throwing my feet out of the bed slowly and walked to the closet pulling on blue skinny jeans, flats and a tube top blouse. Shelly and I walked down the stairs, but she went in another direction so the MobBoss wouldn’t see her. There were men in black standing around as usual. I heard talking in the den so I walked in. When I walked in Megan was kneeling in front of Max rubbing her cheek on his dick. Her fingers moved up his legs seductively to his zipper. She was giggling like a school girl as he ran his hand through her hair looking down at her.

She heard the small gasp from me before he did and jumped to her feet her eyes wide. He stood when he saw me, but he hid his shock well.

“This bitch?! She stole the goods from me at the airport. What’s she doing here?! And more importantly who the fuck is she?!”

I didn’t have words. I looked from him to her. He could not be serious after I told him what happened in New York.

“Megan this is....” he started talking but his voice trailed off as he stared at me.

“Who is she baby?!” She demanded almost in a tantrum.

“Me nu need nu introduction tiefing gal!” Her mouth was hanging open.

“You really come back a di people dem raas yard! Yu come in like when pigeon shit pan concrete and it spread weh like a fungus! Mi tyad a yu pussyclaat now man!” I was already smarting from what I saw with my own eyes.

She turned to Max, “So you ago make she talk to me like that?”

He didn’t speak he was too busy staring at me.

“Why you a rob up the people dem money? Mek we get it out inna di air now since yu deh here.” I took two steps back so I could sit in one of the chairs and she took the opportunity to launch herself at me. Max had his gun at her temple so fast her hands were still in mid strike. I didn’t react.

“Touch har and mi buss yu pussyclaat skull. Wah the fuck yah do?” he was so calm even I got scared. Shelly, some men in black and Ms. Munroe came in at the same time. Their guns were also trained on her. They must have heard the loud talking.

She lowered her hands and turned around. “Really Max? After all we’ve had?” Her voice was way softer now.

I continued to sit crossing my legs, my eyes never leaving hers. This fucking likkle teifing gal, I thought.

“Alright let’s talk. What have you been doing with the money that you’ve been stealing from JamMob? ” I asked leaning back in the single seat sofa.

“How dare you accus...”

“Answer di bloodclaat question!” Max shouted. He was holding tightly to his temper, I could pat him on the back. “Every pussyclaat penny weh you rob me over the years mi ago cut something from yu body piece by piece fi it. So if anu you alone mi wudda suggest you start call name now!” He drew back the trigger on his silver revolver and her eyes widened.

She started shaking as she looked around at all the hard faces, “Mi never want it get this far! Mi tell him fi stop now but him insist say we fi kill the ole lady and take all a the goods from the private shipment. When that...” She continued talking oblivious to all the gasps and the growl of rage from Max. The butt of his pistol connected to the side of her face so hard blood splashed into Max’s face and she went crashing into the standing lamp shattering the shade. He walked over to her unconscious body, using the back of his hand he wiped her blood from his face and aimed his gun at her head his face a mask of rage. He was going to kill her, I could see it in his eyes. I ran over to him and placed my palm on his face running my finger through his beard.

“Hey, hey king, you still need to know who she’s working with,” he closed his eyes trying to reign in his temper. He rubbed his jaw into my palm before lowering his gun. I tipped up and kissed his lips softly and he put his gun away. He started shouting in Italian at the men in black and they took Megan’s unconscious body away.

“Bloodcleet Max, she a work wid Leo!,” I blurted. In that eureka moment it all became clear. The memory hit me like a bolt of lightening.

“Hold on now, J those are strong accusations. Are you sure?” He said.

“No, I remember now!” I said excitedly thinking back. “That night after I fell to the ground I saw him on his phone as if he was sending a message while the shots were going off and then I blocked out.”

“Pussyclaat!” Shelly breathed.

“Wait Max you said he chose the new warehouse location right?” Ms. Munroe jumped in. “He keeps complaining that we don’t need to stop production and how much money we’re losing. He also wanted me to talk to you about letting Joanna work in the warehouse and to stop her from going to New York because she wasn’t ready to travel.” One perfectly manicured hand was under her chin as she spoke, she was in deep thought.

His eyes were like black ice. “Yow we a move out now!” I got up and was making for the exit but he caught my hand and drew me to him.

“Not you.”


“Bed!.” He growled looking down on me with those soulless black eyes. “Aunty make sure she nu leave har bed.” He was beyond angry as he stormed out.

As I changed and crawled into bed I prayed he would be safe, and for the first person he caught. My hands were literally trembling as I pulled the covers back. Ms. Munroe walked into the room looking a bit dazed.

“I can’t believe Leo tried to kill me...” she sat on the edge of my bed staring off.

“He’s been with us forever. He was here when Maximilian’s mother died, he worked so closely with his dad. I just can’t believe...” I got up and threw my arms around her resting my head on her shoulder. I’ve never been this close to her but she looked like she was about to break.

“People can be snakes Ms. Munroe and this kind of business attracts snakes unfortunately. I’m glad I was there that night. Max needs you.” I said holding her.

“Me? He doesn’t seem to need me so much since he met you. Look at all you’ve done in the short time you’ve been here?” She touched my hands feeling wistful.

“What do you mean? You mean the world to him and this family.” I held her away from me and looked into her eyes. I didn’t notice how burdened she was before. She was the one they tried to kill after all.

“He doesn’t even want me like that I hope I can board the next cruise ship...” my voice trailed off as I looked away from her. He said I’m an embarrassment and that he basically didn’t ask for my help.”

“Child he’s a man and he’s as stupid as any other man. They always say stupid shit. I want to see you try leaving this house. The boy can’t stay away from you, he obviously can’t keep his hands to himself.” She said eyeing the love bite he left on my neck.

“Yea and just like any other man I caught him with Megan lastnight. I know I’ll never be good enough for him. He means everything to me but I know in my heart that I’ll never fit into his life or this family. I have to find a way of letting go.”

“Let me tell you something Joanna, nobody can handle that boy the way you can. He’s at his calmest when he’s with you. I don’t care what he says but he can’t go through the day when you refuse to talk to him. Why do you think he hasn’t gone to Venice yet? He’s been burdened these last couple of weeks. The truth is that Max doesn’t want to be the MobBoss, he’s content running the business side of things but his father insists. Yes he’s feared in the streets but he’s more content when he’s dealing stocks and bonds, washing the cash through the corporations. So all that burden he carries would account for the shit he’s been spewing even after all you’ve done for this family. You’ve risked your life not once, but twice.” She hugged me to her again.

“Why can’t he just say he doesn’t want to do it? Why do something that makes you so unhappy?” There was much I didn’t understand about Mafia.

“It’s all about honor in this family, Joanna. It can’t be done that easily. Max was raised and groomed to do this. He’s so much like his father but he has his mother’s free spirit. He wants to do what he wants to do.” Her eyes turned wistful as she spoke about him.

“And now I’m worried about anybody he catches first when he gets to that warehouse.” We were both worried, even when Maria brought us lunch neither of us could eat. Ms. Munroe left me to visit with Max’s father to update him but I had to promise her I’d stay in bed. It was hard, I couldn’t stay in the bed I was walking around almost making a hole in the floor. I thought about what she said about what Max really wanted to do and I knew for certain I wasn’t the right partner for him. Yea I loved him beyond words, but I couldn’t be what he needed in a woman.

I needed to see him. I needed to see that he was ok. Evening faded into darkness and they still weren’t back; I was more than worried now I was outright frantic. I threw on my robe and decided to have a walk. I couldn’t stay another minute in that room.

I made my way slowly down the stairs in a daze. The usual security guards were standing around but there was talking in the den. I thought it was Ms. Munroe and The Godfather but I walked toward the door anyway. I needed to see somebody I could talk to. When I walked in he was the first person my eyes landed on and I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding. The men including Shelly and Ms. Munroe were standing around. His jacket was off and the buttons on his shirt were open at the top, there was blood on his face and his knuckles were blistered and blooded. He looked angry and exhausted. I know I shouldn’t be in there but I had to see that he was ok. When he looked up and our eyes locked I stopped short and was about to turn back but he stopped me.

“Come here, la regina.” He opened his arms and I literally ran into them. Crawling into his lap, my hands were all over his face, his body everywhere making sure he was not hurt. Oblivious to everyone around us, my fingers sifted through his hair and my lips found his, feasting as he did the same with mine. His fingers held my chin in place and his tongue delved into my mouth. My relief was palpable. I wanted to tell him there and then how much I loved him not caring if he felt the same. Ms. Munroe cleared her throat and we broke the kiss. I was a little embarrassed when I looked around at everyone watching us make out and I attempted to get up but he held me in his lap doing what he always did, burying his face in my neck and inhaling deeply.

“Ahm can we adjourn until tomorrow? I just want to be with my queen right now. Would you excuse us, please?” There wasn’t a word uttered, everyone left the quietly. ‘His queen’. I allowed the words to wash over me but I was still weary, I knew they meant nothing.

“Are you hurt?” I started touching him all over again. He caught my hand and brought my fingers to his lips in that way that was so him.

“Baby, I’m fine. What I need is to be so deep inside you that I forget this world and the people in it. All I need is to feel those nipples in my mouth and to see you arch off that bed as you cum all over my fingers.”

Oh fuck, my breathing became shallow and I forgot his current state as I pushed my body into his, my mouth covering his.

“You are wearing way too much clothes, la regina. I want to taste the juice that I know is springing from that sweet pussy,” he bit the side of my jaw and my lips opened on a gasp as the current went straight to my clit.

“So are you...” I jumped off his lap looking at him under my lashes. I held my hand out to him and he didn’t hesitate to take it and allowed me to lead him up the stairs to our room. We went straight to the bathroom where I started running him a bath. Then I removed is clothing bit by bit painstakingly slowly, touching him here and there and enjoying his shivers and his attempts to touch me. My big bad King of the Jungle lion was all shivery and it made me want to giggle. I was surprised he was so amenable to my overtures, there was no scowling or growling. Once naked, he climbed into the bath and I perched on the edge.

“Will you join me, la regina?” He asked as he settled under the warm bubbles closing his eyes. I could see his body relaxing. I loosened the belt on my robe and shrugged it off revealing the long red night dress I wore under.

“No, baby. I’m tending to you tonight. You need to relax.” I hope I could keep my hands off him long enough for him to at least finish his bath. He didn’t respond but relaxed against the bath as I ran a soft sponge over his face washing away the smudges of blood that were clearly not his since he had no cuts. He allowed me to wash him, giving himself over to my free will while I took my own sweet time gliding the soapy sponge over his body. He watched my every move, almost making my fingers shake. I could hear every catch in his breath as I bent over him, my breast brushing his cheek. He licked his lips and swallowed, trying to hold himself back. One of the straps of my nightgown slipped from my shoulder exposing the top of my breast just above the peak.

“Fuck this! I can’t wait.” He breathed as he grabbed my arm dragging me down into the tub on top of him causing water to slash over the sides. I didn’t get a chance to react because his mouth was on my mine by the time I hit the water. It took mere seconds for me to recover from the shock and gain my balance settling myself over him. His hands grabbed my soggy nightgown and drew it over my head dropping it to the side of the tub. His groan of appreciation was almost a growl when is hand found my naked ass and his fingers gripped the mounds so I could slide down on his cock.

“It’s always a fucking pleasure to find that you’re naked under these nightgowns.” He breathed against my lips, swallowing my gasp of pleasure as my pussy accommodated him. Every time he entered me it felt like a new experience. I moaned, pushing the picture of other women doing this to him to the farthest depths of my mind. Pushing the picture of what Megan was about to do to him when I walked in even deeper. Another woman didn’t matter in this moment only the feel of him touching my special spot and pushing me over the edge of that precipice of pleasure and the power I felt as I dragged him over with me.

Finishing our bath was a task as we couldn’t keep our lips and hands off each other. He lifted my small body without effort and brought me back to the bed after his attempt to dry my body while sitting on the washstand resulted in his lips and tongue finding the petals of my pussy. I grabbed at every and anything I could as the passion washed over my body and the resulting juice sprang from my pussy. By the time we landed in the bed he was already inside me again pounding that spot again. It was just before dawn before I could drift off to sleep because in his usual style, every time I dosed his lips found somewhere else to kiss or nibble. His apologies for waking me were always overshadowed by my deep, loud moans.

I was pleasantly surprised to feel the warmth of his body next to mine when I opened my eyes and as always he knew the minute I was awake.

“How did I get such an insatiable woman?”

“Me?” I smiled as I turned into his, my body reminding me of just how insatiable he was. “I was told I’m to be resting but you obviously didn’t receive the doctor’s memo.” I spoke each word between kissing his lips.

“I’m sorry, la regina but I can’t keep my hands or lips off you.” He held my chin and covered my mouth with his deepening the kiss.

“Believe me, I’ve tried. But what do you expect when you know exactly how fi fuck me
I stiffened when he said it, but I recovered quickly remembering my role.

“That is my job isn’t it?” I tried to smile. He stopped and looked at me sighing.

“What are you talking about, J?”

“My job is to give you the best fuck and I’m doing my best. I’m ready and available anytime you’re...” He cut me off his brows creasing.

“Wait, wait you think you’re just here to fuck me?”

“What else is it? I’m giving you your required pound of flesh literally. You just said it’s the best fuck you ever get and you are literally always inside me.” I started touching his chest and he held my hands still.

“Joanna nu badda wid the fuckery! After every...” Now I cut him off. I snapped.

“After fucking what?! After all the fucking we been doing? Even as a sex slave me nu think me eva fuck so much inna mi life. Max every chance you get your dick is inside me! Yet mi coulda walk in pan yu with yu dick almost in another woman throat!” I was getting loud at this point. I thought I could dismiss it but I couldn’t.Without thinking I launched myself at him straddling his waist. He fell back into the pillows, his lips parted in shock but still trying to control his anger at the same time.

“If I had walked into that room just a little later your cocky wudda be deep inna har motherfucking throat nu true!” I slid down his body so quickly he didn’t have time to react.

“I’m not pleasing you master?” I grabbed the base of his dick as I spoke. My mouth covered the tip sucking slowly.

“Or you think me incapable of sucking dick too?” I slid his cock all the way to the back of my throat loosening my gag reflex to accommodate him. His groan was deep as he grabbed the sheets crumpling them on each side. I basked in the power knowing I had him under my complete control. I slid my tongue slowly from the base of his cock to the tip, circling the head with my tongue then drawing him back into my throat. In and out of my mouth I took him until he was writhing in absolute pleasure.

“Fuuuuck! Don’t stooooop!” His moan was long and deep as he watched me through his lashes.

I could feel his entire body tense as he prepared to cum. I stopped my ministrations, got up and walked to the bathroom door. I stopped with my hand on the handle and turned to him, he was clenching his jaws, his eyes closed trying to hold his anger in. When he opened his eyes they bore black holes into mine.

“Note to self Max, anything you think you can get outta road, as your resident whore, mi can do it way fucking better.” I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door. I was angry. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t control my emotions when I was around him. I tried not think of the horrible things he said, or did but I couldn’t. I was no queen, I was just a woman in love with a man who disregarded her. I knew what I was to him, some good fuck and nothing more. I took a few shaking breaths willing the inevitable chest pains away but I had to calm the shaking of my limbs and my heart as I weighed the gravity of my situation. I didn’t want to cry but the tears came unwarranted rolling down my cheeks. I stepped into the shower and stood under the cascading warm water lost in my torrential thoughts and sobs.

He walked into the shower without words, taking my shoulders and turning me in his arms he lifted me effortlessly my legs wrapping around his waist instinctively. His lips took mine in a jarring kiss. He slipped inside me and swallowed my gasp as it escaped my lips. As the waters washed over our entwined bodies I clung to his neck as he slammed in and out of me. My sorrows were forgotten as I basked in the multiple orgasms he gave me before plunging into his own.

At breakfast I was lost in my thoughts of the night’s and morning’s happenings. We didn’t speak after making love in the shower. What was there to be said anyway? Since I still wasn’t allowed to leave my bed, Ms. Munroe sat with me as I ate; or pretended to eat.

“I’m tired of this thing that’s going on between you and Maximilian! I’m talking and you’re barely hearing a word I’m saying.” She said out of the blue placing the tray next to her on the bed. “What the hell is with you two?!” I jumped, my thoughts coming back to the present.

“I’m sorry Ms. Munroe. What were you saying? Nothing’s happening between Max and I.” And that was the dear honest truth, I thought. She looked at me with kindness and a hint of sadness in her eyes.

“Joanna you don’t have to pretend with me.” She said.

“I’m in love with him.” I said softly.

“That’s a secret?” She asked sarcastically.

I sighed heavily. It was difficult to talk to Max’s aunt about our sex life but what’s the point hiding from it? “Well I’m only here to cater to his bedroom needs. I guess considering my background that’s my only credential. I’m tired of trying to be a queen, a strong woman standing behind him. That’s not what he wants and he made it very clear to me, my mistake and regret is falling in love with my boss in the first place.”

“Well you must be doing a damn good job of catering to his bedroom needs because the boy forgets himself when you walk into a room.” She emphasized ‘sexual needs’ causing me to blush looking away from her.

“Oh now you can’t look at me? We all have ears and eyes in this house Joanna.” Staring pointedly at the love bite on my chest at the v of my nightgown. I blushed to the tips of my toes.

“Do you even know what happened when he left here last night?”

“He didn’t tell me and I didn’t ask. Maybe I shouldn’t get involved since I’ll be leaving soon.”

“Leaving? Who’s leaving?” He walked in just as I said it. His brows were furrowed and he was looking from me to his aunt.

I cleared my throat before meeting his eyes dead on. “I’m going on the next cruise ship.”

“No you’re fucking not!” He turned angry eyes to his aunt.

“Aunty?! Who....”

“Maximilian Rossi! You will lower your fucking voice when you talk to me!” She snapped.

He clamped his mouth shut immediately like a contrite child.

“Now listen I know you have a lot going on but there is a time to be the MobBoss and there is a time to be Max. Fucking differentiate!” She stood.

“You two need to work out whatever shit you have going on! It’s driving me and everybody else in this fucking house crazy!” My eyes widened. I’ve never seen her so angry.

“Max, there are things you need to tell Joanna. Why aren’t you talking to her? She doesn’t know what’s going on with you. Fix this!” She walked to the door and left slamming it in her wake…

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