Shopping expedition

I've been on the lookout for Sulcorebutia rauschii violacidermis for a couple of years now so I was pleased to find these. They were expensive but a good investment: they offset freely so you can sell them too.

S rauschii.jpg

The seller offered to courier them but I opted to go and collect, even though it meant driving to another town, because I thought she might have some other little gems and I wasn't disappointed: the tiny little one below is Mammillaria pectinifera, also one I've been looking for a long time and it was extremely cheap for what it is.

M pectinifera.jpg

I'm a huge fan of Astrophytum so I got these cute little seedlings, they are all different

Astro seedlings.jpg

A ornatum.jpg

below is Aloinopsis setifera, It seems to have been grown in the shade so it will need to be hardened gradually so that the growth form is more compact and colourful. I love those teeth!

Aloinopsis setifera.jpg

When I got home and was repotting and checking the plants, I spotted these two loose in a pot - they are very young cactus seedlings and I have no idea what they will be but she's got very interesting cacti so I'll be happy if I can get them to grow up.


This is Haworthia truncata, called Horse's teeth here. It's a little dark after summer but should green up in the cooler weather

H truncata.jpg

Another gem: Haworthiopsis starkiana. She didn't know what it was and priced it very cheaply compared to what they normally go for. When it gets older, it gets a spiral form and grows in little clumps. This one already has a little offset peeping out in the front of the picture.

Haworthiopsis starkiana.jpg

I took a chance on these Conophytum, they may not be alive anymore because they are dormant in summer but should have emerged from their shells already so I dropped them in rainwater for a little while. While that seems heresy for desert plants, these plants grow in little cups in rocks in nature and when it rains, this is exactly what happens to them. After that, I potted them up and watered them. They will either emerge or they are goners. Time will tell


A very good Sunday drive this morning and it is always a pleasure to go and see someone's greenhouse. She grows a lot of carnivorous plants too and I was very tempted. She told me that sundews catch mosquitoes too. I think I'll be visiting there again!

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